Ha! It was a mix of things really. I was thinking Patreon for a while. Then I saw the Taffy Tales thread. I used the "relationship" system as a way to learn some fundamentals - and ensure I was not offending the woke-gods.
that is a wise decision, that is gone pay up in the long run, trust me it's much, much more difficult to get a base of subscribers on SS if you also have a patreon, there are many people who to this day do not know that it DOES NOT MATTER if you follow ALL there rules when it comes to adult content, if... NEY!.... WHEN ptreon decides to fuck you over they will do so, and there is nothing you can do about it, it will not matter what you try to do to please them,(makes you wander thou, who the fuck at patreon spents all there time testing all thous games, kuz i know for a fact that all thous ceckups are not happening only due to people reporting stuff) so going from the start to SS is a much better decision for you in the long run imo, + letting us to play around with the relations will also help you with the fundamentals, (but if you are on SS you might as well just ditch that and go full on uncesured, and consider using variables only after you are more confortable with your experience)
also one more thing, i see you useing PNGs, i STRONGLY advise you to also reconsider that, with a little bit under 270 images you are already at almost 1GB, the most quality/space format that you will see is generally WEPB, you still get verry good quality for a fraction of the space, i know a few creators who wanted to stick to pngs than when they noticed that they are on course of increasing there project size with 2.7 GB PER UPDATE, they decided to switch to webp (ofc by the time they made that decision they were at over 20gb so they had a lot of avoidable work to do), and the sooner you do that change is gone be easyer, you don't want to reach 15gb and THAN decide " ok maybe its time to switch", you are gone give yourself A LOT of pointless work
as for what some people said about what your game brings different to the table compared to all the rest?
i will give you an easy answer, i shit you not, THE BEST thing you can possibly bring to the table are: 1. not abandon the fucker, 2. a good update cycle (try to keep it at 3 months or lower, idealy would be 1 update / month), 3. don't forget to put porn in your porn game (yes, i know it's to stupid to be true but it has to be mention because i've seen it happen), 4. don't forget put some actual WORK into said scenes, don't just toss them in there as a checkbox four your to do list
aaand that's about it. follow thouse and you are gone be fine, because i've seen games with better renders than yours and i have seen games with a story that would wipe the floor with yours, with better grammar and everything, but they did not respect at least 1 of the rules above and thus they ended up into the memory holes of people when it comes to backing them or spreading the word to other players about said game. you don't need to reinvent the wheal, just make sure that is round.
my apologies for the long read