Nunca irei compactuar com este tipo de atitudes como as do Zip e do RAInces... É pura ingratidão e oportunismo.
People like RAInces and Zip created great games we get to play for free. Should we appreciate and be thankful for that? Of course. What about time expectancy for each release? All the time needed. Devs aren't selling anything, just doing what they love.
Patrons make an effort to support their favorite devs and projects. Should devs show their utmost appreciation and respect for them? No argument here.
What about all the fans (patron or not) that dwell this forum?
- These threads (BBS related threads) are the main source of patrons and subscribers.
- We provide all the visibility (marketing) and help (tips, fixes, walkthroughs, cheats... - customer service and help desk)
Should the devs appreciate our contribution for growing their audience and support (revenue)? Imho I think so. It's (or should be) a quid pro quo relationship.
Why some of you take the crap they throw at us (lies and deceit) so willingly is something I'm yet to understand