A list of issues I have come across and how to replicate them.
Needed fixes in 15.472:
There are missing stat counters on screen when a change in statistics occur should show (-statistic- +1) after an activity that made the change to a statistic, the same for Bobby too (a hold over from 15.60 random bug?)
Backpack inventory still doesn't have a scroll up and down, make inventory larger or implement item staking. Buying a lot of x item in any previous version saving then load in v.15.470+
Still doesn't seem to be a Jenny slutty dress fix from loading a saves from a previous version (that contain the issue of unable to give it to her in the "sitting - living room") if you purchased it before being required too by the event from the store
but if you start a new game there is no issue.
Needed Fixes or bugs in 15.480 pt1:
Do we really need to "acquire" the "master key" every single time before using it, give us a screwdriver or old credit card?
Bobby's bed can't be slept in anymore, to end the day quickly or choose to nap in it for 2 hour intervals.
Travel time to areas in town are now instant instead of taking a period of time to get to destination,
bug (if it supposed to be like the past versions -> travel from home at "noon" to school - college would make it "afternoon")
feature (if dev is changing the direction of the time management)
loading certain saves during events (mom and jenny so far) seems to erase stats from the females -> save before mom work (v 15.472) stats are xx and after loading them in (v15.48) stats are x-1 or 00.
Labels of the rooms have disappeared, they used to show names when moused over the destination room.
Labels of the POI on the "town map" have disappeared, they used to show names when moused over the destination area in town.
On the phone within the "heart" icon the "Story Progress #/#" below the names don't seem to accurately represent progress or lack of it as it has not been functional since v15.70, but the "Character Stats - Story progress #/#" seems to be functional.
When Jnny comes home drunk upon entering the sitting - living room and then pukes on the floor the carpet is not shown but is shown in the non event sitting living room
Story Script and Dialogue Continuity errors;
Sitting Room, some events call it Living Room -> pick one or the other.
Laundry Room, some events call it Cleaning Room -> pick one or the other.
In some dialogues before you purchase the pool the backyard is called outside.
In some dialogue with jenny school is called college and vise-versa -> pick one or the other.