Will we finally have a game where actual sex scenes happen rather than the dev just screaming "look at me i'm edgy let's drug and rape! but also no sex and check my next gayme!".
Been seeing these bobby games for a while now but ignored them. Decided to have a look at it today and .. well .. I just can't get into it. Bobby looks like a preteen boy and it's just weird. Love the content .. just needs an older looking protagonist IMHO
I love the idea of a kid trying to fuck everything that moves , or trying not to get caught while perving around . And all that being smaller and younger than females, dunno there is something fun about it.
Can anyone help me understand the appeal of the Bad Bobby Saga games? Most of what I've seen is above normal grind with below normal content. Any of the games that aren't like this? This one maybe? Others?
Been seeing these Bobby games for a while now but ignored them. Decided to have a look at it today and .. well .. I just can't get into it. Bobby looks like a preteen boy, and it's just weird. Love the content .. needs an older-looking protagonist IMHO