Normalmente sai a cada 2 semanas. No entanto estes updates serão mais demorados - versão publica
# Normally it comes out every other week. However as these are the final updates leading to the release of the public version (the official one, not a test) they will take a bit longer - so hang in there, time flies by.
As I stated before on pervious posts I am currently focused on adding content (0.15.40 to 0.15.48) and then use the Public release 0.15.50 to clean up the story-lines and then I can adjust it and either increase or decrease grind / pacing or add in filler content etc. And based on feedback or if certain things do not feel right I can change or remove them.
Once all the pieces are in place it is much easy to see how the game should play out because streamlining as you go can make more work as I could paint myself into a corner and then having to go back and change content / storylines which can be a pain in the arse...
Normalmente sai a cada 2 semanas. No entanto estes updates serão mais demorados - versão publica
# Normally it comes out every other week. However as these are the final updates leading to the release of the public version (the official one, not a test) they will take a bit longer - so hang in there, time flies by.
So if you want more people to read your comments or respond to your questions you would be well served to write in English. Not being hostile. Just say’n.
Yeah this topic already been discussed, some ppl on this thread like to start their posts with a sentence on their own language, and then proceed to write the real thing on english.
Why? I have no clue. We are on f95 so its probly some weird fetish.
Anyway, its perfectly fine to do so according to forum rules so just drop it
So if you want more people to read your comments or respond to your questions you would be well served to write in English. Not being hostile. Just say’n.
Escreve em espanhol à vontade. Apenas não te esqueças de traduzir em ingles porque é a lingua franca aqui (para que todos percebam). Vivemos na parte do mundo com liberdade de expressão. Era só o que faltava ceder a pressões de ressabiados...
# Feel free to write in your own language whenever you feel like it. Just remember to add a translation as english is the lingua franca here (to reach everyone). We live in the free speech part of the world so I'll never relent to that kind of pressure/censorship. (For the losers who can't stand it: just suck it up, real nice)
Is there a trick to get the keys out of moms handbag, or is it just rng? Keeps failing and it doesn't look like i can improve stealth anymore (it is at 28).
Edit: Complaining helps. Worked right after i posted.
Is there a trick to get the keys out of moms handbag, or is it just rng? Keeps failing and it doesn't look like i can improve stealth anymore (it is at 28).
Edit: Complaining helps. Worked right after i posted.
When I wrote the mini walk through. I had to, redo it 4 times before I got the keys from the purse in the kitchen, more inclined to believe the RNG than a set amount of fails then you get it or maybe my fails were just 4.
Only the coder knows....