1.- When Lucile isn't present on her bed and only the "ZZZ" bubble appears, that means she's ready to unlock her State Event. She's gonna be in the library/studio downstairs, interact with her and that will start the State, choose certain options to put her in a specific State (refer to the GUIDE in the 1st post of the thread to know which options to pick, at the moment the best choice is picking the 1st options after every question).
2.- For Vera, most likely you're missing a scene (like the HJ in the stairs or the midnight visit to her room). Check the GUIDE (I use caps here cause some people use the walkthrough and it's terribly outdated haha) to know all the scenes of each girl so you can make a "checklist" of the ones you already did.
3.- The Sleeping Sex scene (a.k.a Night Sex Scene) is currently bugged as the Doc forgot to toggle a switch in the code. You can check below the animated banner in my comment for a temporary fix to it.
4.- As mentioned by
Coldorax , the clock is useless in this version (might be useless for future versions as well, we don't know) as its use was moved to the bed (the "Stay in Bed" option).
5.- Same as Coldorax already mentioned, she's the newest character so plenty of her scenes aren't in the game yet, the same with a couple other things in the game. If you find a "Not Implemented" text, it's because the scene per se doesn't exist yet but is being contemplated for a future update.
I'm just gonna ask something, tho... Did you maxed the level to 70 in-game or did you use a file editor or a cheat mod to do so? I ask cause modifying values beyond their max cap can cause some issues. For example, Mia's max current level is 35, not 70 as there's more scenes being developed with her. Also this isn't your normal RPGMaker game so you don't really need money besides the amount you get for selling the dagger and getting the pills. And also there's no use getting a copy of every item via file editing haha not saying you did this, but I've seen other people that did and it only bloats the inventory.