A couple of issues that I've noticed:
1) The mask heads that "feral" girls use are solid blocks that can't be edited in any way via the character creator. This has been an issue from the start, mind you, but it is frustrating to see that it still persists to this day. It is especially annoying since the girls' eyes often don't line up with their own eye sockets quite right. It looks OK from the front, but change to any kind of side angle and you can see the problem.
2) Likewise, camera controls during sex scenes continue to be lacking. Yes, you can rotate but good old fashioned WASD would work a lot better. Q/E to rotate, PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN to control height. And to this day there are still no POV functions. For fuck sake, I figured out to do invisible heads for perfect POV shots for TK17 years ago, and that game engine itself is over a decade old. How can a modern game not have this implemented?
3) As the above poster noted, breeding seems broken and traits seem random. I've looked into this and while that's true, there is a reason for that and the reason just points out an even larger problem; namely, that the game ONLY uses presets for everything that isn't a body slider (left column in the character creator). Everything else about a creature (right column) is locked into the narrow confines of the presets list.
What does this mean? Let's say that you have a female Foxen and her genetics say orange skin, red fur and blue accessories. Now you breed her with a custom male Foxen that has white skin, blue fur and green accessories. What will the result be? It will either be exactly like her or exactly like him because the game cannot mix and match the two color schemes. Their offspring will either be orange/red/blue or white/blue/green. There is no possibility of getting orange/blue/red or white/orange/green unless you have manually created and added Foxen presets for those combinations yourself. Why? Because presets are ALL the game can do. There is no "procedural generation" for this.
It gets worse because the presets are also locked by gender. So in the above case if the coin flip lands on orange/red/blue then the offspring must be female, because it doesn't have a male preset of that. If it lands on white/blue/green it must produce a male offspring because, again, no female preset of it.
Now you could go and try to manually create presets for literally every color combination possible (I'm not a math wizard, but that's eaily over 1000 possibilities per species) or, I dunno, maybe DH could fix it to allow paint mixing on the fly?
This is why, after about five generations, every creature in your pens will end up looking exactly alike. And don't get me started on the STD known as the "gaudy" trait which overrides all color schemes and makes every creature it infects look like some kind of lava monster.