Maybe this is "Little Pink Vulpuss by Tequori" ?So these are the "presets"
----v0.653 Alpha----
-Katarina by yewty
-Mocha by DevilJHO
-Crimson by Deluxe Penguin
-Guivre by CallMeWombat
-Sio by Kieve
-Snow by Kieve
-Leona by yewty
-Autumn by Kiev
----0.654 Alpha----
-Green Dragon by Tequori
-Claire by Covert Operations
-Vannae by Mordecai
-Black Flower by Deluxe Penguin
-Little Pink Vulpuss by Tequori
-Tamara by Mordecai
-Corrupted by Tequori
-Tribal by Tequori
----0.655 Alpha----
-Bessy by Rabbid_Run
-Gilda by Rabbid_Run
-Empress Dragoness by DeMoN Lightwing
If someone meet any of them,(wich is different not just colours) could Reply to this post and attach one image with the name ?
Ofcorse,I'll not be angry if you'll ignore this,just very happy !!
Thank you!!!
So presets does not mean "special" bodytype,just tatto/colour,and so on ?
For example,I don't hunt Cow for hours to see like the "Milk" NPC if it isn't in game
And do they have "pubic" ? I didn't see yet...
It is cool,realy,just want to be sure what is in the game