mmm Unity.. i have a Big issue with Unity. it's many times a game goes downhill after changing to Unity. then, it supposedly makes everything better, but it mostly just grabs a HUGE amount of ressources for no apparent reason. for me, games in Unity also never get my screen right. i have a TV as screen ok, which contains hardware and chipset of a even bigger TV. this is reported to the windows settings, no issue with commercial games. small stuff i prefer to play in a window. now, Unity in it's impertinent erhm "wisdom" does create a window, which is bigger than my screen, and things like buttons etc. are messed up; game breaks. maybe coding, maybe poorly written, maybe Unity itself, however; each damn game that has no option to set a size, is out of the loop for me. i don't like to hack into something just in order to try it out. i don't use cheats on games presented here, barely ever look for walkthrough unless i'm fully lost. change to Unity, and you might get lost in a changeroo, keeping changing just because it's so easily done.
sorry /walloftxt.
about Patreon, well i still dislike their site for reasons, but, wasn't there something about whatsitcalled, adult patronage or so?
ofc unlikely to be at the frontend.