4.60 star(s) 9 Votes


Sep 22, 2019
If you like the character, or even just don't mind them, then the quality of their scene kinda doesn't matter, they could get a better one in 4

Though since so many BT2 characters were just a sex scene which does make it hard to actively want alot of them back.


Sep 22, 2019
so in review
17 girls total in BT1
32 new girls in 2
9 more in 3
(two has more girls than the other games combined jeez)

TCW said it'd be untenable to put everyone back in, especially since he's doing animated scenes again. Given how tedious 2 felt by the end I am perfectly okay with that

He confirmed 9 people who would return but I don't think he gave an estimate on the full roster size. I am assuming the roster will be something close to 20 women but I am curious what people here think


Jun 19, 2022
It's funny to hear you descirbe BT2 as "tedious", and I think the creator said he's a bit dissatisfied with it too, because the overall impression I've gotten is that it was the most popular and well-loved. BT2's sheer scale is an appeal in and of itself, and because of the variety it is guaranteed to have something for everyone. Personally I think BT3's approach of trying to make every woman a well-rounded character didn't work out all that well for this kind of genre.

To be honest, so far I'm only interested in 3 for the sake of seeing Nero get knocked up and stay that way this time. And to see how the actual plot resolves, I guess.


Sep 22, 2019
It's good do not get me wrong, It only gets really obnoxious if you try to max out everyone but by lategame I kinda tire of wandering this city. few characters are connected, alot of them are literally just there to have sex with no real character beyond "horny woman who wants to fuck you". In some ways I feel like that setting the game in a red light district rather than a random neighborhood or office building allows for more creative encounters. Don't get me wrong there are standouts and a boring character still can have a good scene but its the game I look forward to replaying least (the frustration from trying to get peppy girl's hidden ending figured out and failing also might have something to do with it.)

In 1 the biker chicks have endings depending on what step you end the quest on before leaving and their founding the brothel impacts several other characters, I want more stuff like that, like even more than any of the games have done. I want to have it so if you forget to return a borrowed item from a sidequest it gets remarked on for the ending. I want more characters who are together but you don't get them both at the same time so instead of just going for both you can go for one but not the other to see what happened.
do you get what I am saying?
4.60 star(s) 9 Votes