ive played to many games to count from F95 here AND this is by far the weirdest set up ive ever seen
game size doesnt matter (bigger the better for me anyway)
Well, the setup
is somewhat messy. It's for good reasons though.
You may be able to blow
several tens of gigabytes on a game in a single go. There are many others who don't.
The game/patch separation is for the developer's benefit, since updating the main download is a lot of bother when all that's changed is a few hundred kB of scripts and maybe a couple of pictures. Definitely makes grokking the process harder for newcomers, though.
I don't think you'd be able to play the game with the
well over a thousand girl packs
all installed unless you have a true
beast of a machine. And, again, even of you did, the
vast majority of others do not.
Edit: To add some more nuances regarding girl packs,
hosting something of the size of
all of them is also problematic. Most people use free file hosts, including the dev and most active pack makers.
IMO it's also a
strength of the game that anyone can add girl packs to it, regardless of what happens to the developer.
If you really think that's a huge issue, you can of course make and host a giant mega-girl-pack yourself.
Edit2: OTOH, the
F95 uploaders merging the most recent game, patch and 'basic' girl pack would definitely be a good idea. No clue why they don't if it's such a messy outlier as
str8up says said it is.