Ren'Py Brothel King [v0.2] [Goldo]

4.60 star(s) 44 Votes


Aug 2, 2019
"Well, he's not the only one. as an unofficial tester ( i test shit whenever I have time) Ive been having issues with theis new version of Bk as well which is unfortunate because I love the game :)

"Well..had some time to test your new version of BK and gotta say I like the idea that you dnt make anything unless your girls actually does well. However once I got a girl to the point that she could work as a whore I would run into errors during the "End Day" phase, afterwards if I'd ignore the error it would slow the game and make more errors occur when the program doesnt respond and when trying to save..was going to save an error but the game crashed.. tried this initially on another girl but made a new start when i started getting errors"

Ive been chating with Kite abit privately. I will keep attempting whatever I can to get things to work.

Edit: Followed your instructions vadi.. before even starting after character creation.. how do I fix this?

View attachment 1442070
Either bad _Bk.ini or you could just add a new trait. Shrewd trait was made for the Bonanza mod.
I posted a bit modified mod what you can use in Vanilla BK.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
After I fixed the two intro chapter bugs a couple of days back, I haven't really hit any issues stackdump wise. My replacements of block rollback for pass statements in my two file edits doesn't seem to have caused any of the horrors promised to me about dicts. In fact, the only thing I have encountered is where a wheel to scroll up a scollable window goes too far and ends up starting to rollback instead.

I have started looking at the code and see this thing is screaming for a robust rewrite one class at a time. I may take that upon myself once 0.2 has its dust start to settle. The most obvious flash point here seems to be the girl mod framework and how there appears to be little to no error checking/logging, and that's causing a lot of grief with failed installs.

Is the 3 Ninja quest holding me up for getting an upgrade to my brothel license? That last time I played this, I only had to meet a money target before an upgrade button appeared (on the city neighborhood screen IIRC). I'm long past the initial $5000 target with all but 1 of the 8 girls at Rank B and over $12000 banked. Yet I've only gotten 1 of 3 Ninjas met, and the artificial limit of one hunt for day is too excessive. Why shouldn't I be able to go out hunting as long as I have AP when the RNG for encounter seems to be so low?

I haven't tried to dump into the console to inspect/poke yet, but I did see something or other about using escape to do whatever silliness. I also see that RMB seems to drop me back to the brothel status screen for whatever reason. My question here is why developers think it is in everyone's interest to remap well known Renpy gui features to something entirely different? Why, especially, fuck with console controls when this game is in a state where my escape and shift-O buttons may be worn out by the time I'm done? This is one of my pet peeves I have that's right up there with removing source, blocking rollback and stuffing everything away in rpa archives in order to keep the user from their content. If you are going to play with keymaps, there's a whole row of function buttons up on those keyboards that you can use while staying away from good ole <ESC>.

The shop system needs a lot of work because the whole inventory setup sucks. We are at the mercy of whatever crap the rng Gods gen up for us no matter the cost. Please tell me why the thieves guild only has one article for sale per week(?), when instead their back room should look like something in that pawn shop in FreeSide in Fallout New Vegas. There should be a clothing store with all of the essentials in quantity that's ranked to what we need for development/training and can afford. The toy shop should have something more than just maybe one butt plug. I've done better picking up random encounter loot than I ever did going into a store with money burning a hole in my pocket.

The farm is useless if your mc is going to treat their girls with TLC and not asshattery. There should be an option to make it more like a thing that some girls get into (think Skyrim Foresworn and certain Loverlabs mods) and thus not traumatized when they get trained on the farm.

Also, why are we so hetero with this thing and are stuck with girls and not gurls? I realize this is probably not in the creator's wheelhouse, but there's a whole community of content developers who would probably jump right on board. FreeCities didn't have any problem doing it. Cmacleod's Flash parody of Princess Maker (Slavemaker?) had some alternative girl packs that draw upon a wealth of genderbent anime icons. Whoremaker makes it hard to keep the mc from getting put on the road to switch hitting. Hell, you even have one literally sitting in your game that's already installed, but you don't think about what happens when they take a bath.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
Before you go very far with your desired improvements you need to think over things from a project POV. BK is the passion project of one person. And that's not going to change any time soon. That means you have to decide which of two very different paths you want to take with your changes. Working with Goldo or without him.

Working without him means you would be creating a mod. Sounds like a fairly major mod. Maybe even a fork. That's doable, but look to the Bonanza mod for what that path entails. JMan, who did Bonanza is still around and hugely active in the BK community. But Bonanza itself is mostly dead. That's because a massive mod like that becomes hard-tied to a specific version of the game. And unless you continue to actively work to keep your mod compatible with each new version of the core game it will quickly be left behind as the core game moves forward.

You also would need to think about what is there about your mod that would make people want to play it instead of vanilla BK. Bonanza was created because JMan wanted a somewhat different playstyle than vanilla offered. It billed itself somewhat as "BK-hard mode". This drew people to play it instead of vanilla. What would draw them to play your mod?

Working with him means you will need to get his approval for each change. He's generally very accepting of changing things in the core game, but he does not accept everything. And he has a definite vision of where he wants to take the game, and will decline things that do not fit with that vision. If you want to go down this path I suggest comming over to the BK home forum and proposing your desired changes over there. Break your changes up into discrete items and lay them out. If you don't get his approval ahead of time on each item you are setting yourself up for wasting your time if he declines an idea after you have invested time into it.
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Jun 28, 2017
Is there a way to see what difficulty your current playthrough is? I started a new game and don't remember it being this easy the first time? I'm wondering if I accidentally chose the wrong difficulty.


Aug 2, 2019
Is there a way to see what difficulty your current playthrough is? I started a new game and don't remember it being this easy the first time? I'm wondering if I accidentally chose the wrong difficulty.
You can see it at the start of the game. But normally it's starting with the Normal Difficulty if you didnt changed anything.


Jun 28, 2017
You can see it at the start of the game. But normally it's starting with the Normal Difficulty if you didnt changed anything.
Yeah, I was restarting the game multiple times to try to get a better starting girl and I may have forgotten to change the difficulty. Was hoping there was some way to see what the difficulty was.


Aug 2, 2019
Yeah, I was restarting the game multiple times to try to get a better starting girl and I may have forgotten to change the difficulty. Was hoping there was some way to see what the difficulty was.
You can refresh the slave market with the console or by using the King's Way mod.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Is there a way to see what difficulty your current playthrough is?
Console 'game.diff'. I'm not aware of any other way.

My replacements of block rollback for pass statements in my two file edits doesn't seem to have caused any of the horrors promised to me about dicts.
Then you didn't actually look much if at all. I went and removed rollback blocks from training, fingered my mouse wheel for a while and explored every naked fixation for a girl, then unlocked several levels of the 'Charlatan' achievement. All for the low, low cost of 1 AP. That's sufficiently visible for me, and since a lot of the game is riddled with dictionaries, who knows what else might be going wrong much more subtly.

...girl mod framework and how there appears to be little to no error checking/logging, and that's causing a lot of grief with failed installs.
That's not the worst of it, and is only causing easily solvable grief to neophytes. :p The really bad thing is that the _BK.ini parser is stupidly sensitive to syntax, an extra white space before a comma can make things not function without you even noticing. :cry:

This is exactly the kind of technical stuff Goldo will happily let an experienced coder take care of. Well, provided you come over to HHS and can act more like an adult there. There are at least two major pieces of code (girl pack loading and parts of the tagger) contributed by a well-liked community member over there who's a professional.

Is the 3 Ninja quest holding me up for getting an upgrade to my brothel license?

[ninjas] ...when the RNG for encounter seems to be so low?
What RNG? I haven't really played because I can no longer play vanilla without getting exasperated. But from a brief glance at the code, it seems you can hunt them without fail every day, and the ninja minigame is purely about your twitch skill. Which might be a turnoff, and I don't personally care much for minigames, but it's not random unless you consider all human input inherently random.

...I did see something or other about using escape to do whatever silliness.
The only case of ESC not doing its usual thing is in the gallery. Which most players don't really look into, to the degree that it was plain broken for the longest time. The in-game interface retains ESC as usual.

I also see that RMB seems to drop me back to the brothel status screen for whatever reason. My question here is why...
RMB is the universal cancel/exit button for BK. Not everyone can use both hands while playing ;) and not every mouse has a ton of buttons. It's very convenient and I've never heard a player complain about this before. I think you're really starting to reach here, for whatever reason.

Eh, maybe I'm not the one who can cast stones here. I've held similar positions about BK's own features against what I thought were demands for unnecessary changes. :cautious:

Why, especially, fuck with console controls when this game is in a state where my escape and shift-O buttons may be worn out by the time I'm done?
There have been occasional reports of the console behaving weirdly, but I have never experienced this. Shift-O opens it, ESC closes, business as usual. Neither has Goldo, to my knowledge. Some people have had issues, like typing 'o' dumping them out of the console, but these things seem to be local.

The shop system needs a lot of work because the whole inventory setup sucks. We are at the mercy of whatever crap the rng Gods gen up for us no matter the cost.
There should be a clothing store with all of the essentials in quantity that's ranked to what we need for development/training and can afford.
This critique has been raised before. Goldo's (rather recent) answer were the 'restock' and 'upgrade' buttons. So you're no longer at the mercy of the RNG deities, blind inattentive or still in chapter one despite all the talk about ninjas.

My answer was to do as you want, split shops into two and flood the other part with common items. I don't know if people actually liked or used that feature. And many players never even noticed the brand new big shiny buttons below the inventory, icons and all. I guess Goldo is now having a repeat of this player blindness. :(

Please tell me why the thieves guild only has one article for sale per week...
Because they were never intended as a shop, more a romance with benefits. The NPC love thing is really nowhere near developed yet.

The farm is useless if your mc is going to treat their girls with TLC and not asshattery.
Not really. You can train them to not hate an act and then let Gizel take over. The farm is (or at least was) the fastest way in the game to gain preference scores once the girls are not refusing any more. Unfortunately, these are mainly useful for inflating slave price and not much else. It also can make your alignment more 'good' - or at least less 'evil' or 'ungood' - if the girls like and consent to what's being done to them at the farm.

So it's not quite as useless as you say (and you jumping to conclusions seems to be a theme). I had similar critique leveled at Bonanza's farm, which is a much less (player-)friendly place. It got retracted once the player familiarised himself with how things work.

On the other hand, the farm is not really useful, either, and many players don't really like it on principle. It's been the red-headed stepchild of the BK feature set for a long time. I'm not sure anyone has a good idea what to do with it.

Also, why are we so hetero with this thing and are stuck with girls and not gurls?
Dev priorities. More than one game has died a slow death because the dev couldn't say no to fetish creep and/or too many branching storylines. Once BK hits 0.7 or so, we can talk about this again.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2019
Also, why are we so hetero with this thing and are stuck with girls and not gurls?
The idea of male packs or futa packs has been discussed before. There are a couple of issues with the idea.

First is the game itself. The text of the game is heavily weighted towards fully female slaves. Setting up to allow for packs of male or fully futa characters would be a massive undertaking, and I'm pretty sure that it's not one that has much interest to Goldo.

The second issue is the packs themselves. There are no packs for male or futa characters. So you would need to get someone, yourself or someone else, to make them. I have little interest in doing any myself, sorry. The closest I've done is Crimvale from Interspecies Reviewers (Crimvale is a hermaphrodite. But I cannot talk too much about their pack, and definitely cannot point to it, because the female-leaning R34 of Crim tends to lean heavily towards the loli side of things, and thus it's not allowed here on F95). Crimvale was a special case, though, and was done under the assumption the their mixed-gender/futa R34 would knowingly clash with game text at times.

One idea is an event. The pack-maker tool for BK has a Futa tag. So it would not be unreasonable to have a small amount of futa tagged pics be included in a normal pack. And an event where a girl is somehow magically given a dick for a temporary period of time might fully be doable. The game already has beach events that only trigger if a girl actually has beach pics, the same sort of logic could be used to limit a futa event to girls whose packs include at least one futa-tagged pic. I normally don't include futa pics in the packs I make, but I would not have a problem including a handful if there existed an event in the game specifically to use them.


New Member
Feb 11, 2020
so played this in .15b saw .2 was released and downloaded it from here and updated to the latest patch. Didn't copy girls over and got and had an empty market. Copied some girls over and ran into a bunch of errors. Tried all the fixes mentioned here and decided to start all over. Deleted the bro king folder in renpy app data got rid of my old .2 folder, redownloaded everything but the girls, copied them in and get the following error before the slave market gets initialized. If I ignore and keep going then i get stuck after training the girl I buy.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/BKintro.rpy", line 1793, in script
    $ calendar.updates()
  File "game/BKintro.rpy", line 1793, in <module>
    $ calendar.updates()
  File "game/BKclasses.rpy", line 2666, in updates
  File "game/BKfunctions.rpy", line 2424, in weekly_updates
  File "game/BKfunctions.rpy", line 505, in update_free_girls
    game.free_girls += get_girls(nb - len(game.free_girls), free=True)
  File "game/BKfunctions.rpy", line 322, in get_girls
    girl.randomize(free=free, p_traits=p_traits, n_trait=n_trait, perks=perks, level=lvl)
  File "game/BKgirlclass.rpy", line 202, in randomize
  File "game/BKgirlclass.rpy", line 504, in generate_stats
    self.stats.append(Stat(stat, "main", self, weight=self.init_dict["base skills/" + stat]))
  File "game/BKclasses.rpy", line 3103, in __init__
  File "game/BKclasses.rpy", line 3142, in init_value
    _min = weight_dict[weight-1][0] + self.parent.level * weight_dict[weight-1][1]
KeyError: 7

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/BKintro.rpy", line 1793, in script
    $ calendar.updates()
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Brothel_King-0.2\Brothel_King-pc\renpy\", line 914, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\Brothel_King-0.2\Brothel_King-pc\renpy\", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "game/BKintro.rpy", line 1793, in <module>
    $ calendar.updates()
  File "game/BKclasses.rpy", line 2666, in updates
  File "game/BKfunctions.rpy", line 2424, in weekly_updates
  File "game/BKfunctions.rpy", line 505, in update_free_girls
    game.free_girls += get_girls(nb - len(game.free_girls), free=True)
  File "game/BKfunctions.rpy", line 322, in get_girls
    girl.randomize(free=free, p_traits=p_traits, n_trait=n_trait, perks=perks, level=lvl)
  File "game/BKgirlclass.rpy", line 202, in randomize
  File "game/BKgirlclass.rpy", line 504, in generate_stats
    self.stats.append(Stat(stat, "main", self, weight=self.init_dict["base skills/" + stat]))
  File "game/BKclasses.rpy", line 3103, in __init__
  File "game/BKclasses.rpy", line 3142, in init_value
    _min = weight_dict[weight-1][0] + self.parent.level * weight_dict[weight-1][1]
KeyError: 7

Brothel King 0.2 v210826
Fri Oct 08 21:38:31 2021


Apr 23, 2020
That would be a big help if you post a traceback or a screenshoot from it.
Hi, okay if you can please take a look, I am pretty sure the folders are on the right place but I still get this error and no portrait can be seen, thanks for any advise you can give me.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
RTFM (the text file in your 'girls' directory). To wit: "A mix folder must start with '#'."


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
So the three are always going to be in the same neighborhood then? I finally found the 1st in the slum district at the last hood I could search. Not having seen this game quest before or gotten to the code yet, I didn't know where these were hidden and got unlucky. So I've blown a week finding one and am close to another week finding the second. At least I had stumbled across the thingamagummee at the Shop used to bypass what looks like an irritating minigame.

What RNG? I haven't really played because I can no longer play vanilla without getting exasperated. But from a brief glance at the code, it seems you can hunt them without fail every day, and the ninja minigame is purely about your twitch skill. Which might be a turnoff, and I don't personally care much for minigames, but it's not random unless you consider all human input inherently random.

I hadn't done a playthrough in ages and only started looking at the code base. So I hadn't gotten around to trying the console yet. I just assumed the worst when I saw the <esc> thing.

There have been occasional reports of the console behaving weirdly, but I have never experienced this. Shift-O opens it, ESC closes, business as usual. Neither has Goldo, to my knowledge. Some people have had issues, like typing 'o' dumping them out of the console, but these things seem to be local.

RMB for standard Renpy is to pop up load/save/settings style screens. BK is obviously doing something very non-standard with it when you aren't in the brothel common area screen. This is both jarring and makes the load/save preview image show basically the same thing between saves. Being able to load/save during a story event and specific location is important for visual cues about the save. Also missing is a save description option which adds to the problem.

RMB is the universal cancel/exit button for BK. Not everyone can use both hands while playing ;) and not every mouse has a ton of buttons. It's very convenient and I've never heard a player complain about this before. I think you're really starting to reach here, for whatever reason.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
_min = weight_dict[weight-1][0] + self.parent.level * weight_dict[weight-1][1]
KeyError: 7
As mentioned before, there's a bad _BK.ini somewhere.

So the three are always going to be in the same neighborhood then?

At least I had stumbled across the thingamagummee at the Shop used to bypass what looks like an irritating minigame.
I think there are about three locations they're always in.

I'm not a fan of the minigame, either. But at least it's not fishing. Fishing minigames are an invention of the devil. :mad:

Being able to load/save during a story event and specific location is important for visual cues about the save.
I have more bad news for you, then. Saving anywhere else but the main screen is not encouraged, for various reasons like labels getting fucked up. There are some exceptions, but it's usually not worth it to risk things. I've had a lot of debug saves from mid-interactions or the middle of the night that I had to fiddle with to make them usable.

In brief, this is not your grandma's VN or nukige, and expecting it to conform to all the usual conventions is, well, intellectually lazy at least.

And are save descriptions even a thing for Ren'Py games? I've never seen one with them, and while everything is possible, especially with open-source software, is it something with actual support? Edit: I guess it is. I don't know if it'd actually be worth it, because it'll slow down saving a bit. /edit

The point about all saves looking the same is valid, though. Don't know if there's an easy way around it.
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Aug 2, 2019
Hi, okay if you can please take a look, I am pretty sure the folders are on the right place but I still get this error and no portrait can be seen, thanks for any advise you can give me.
As Jman mentioned it. If you dont put them separately then rename the folders inside your girls folder like this. This will solve your problem.
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Apr 23, 2020
As Jman mentioned it. If you dont put them separately then rename the folders inside your girls folder like this. This will solve your problem.
thanks for your help and for do not answer like an idiot like some people here, english is not my mother tongue and I am still learning so it is not that easy sometimes to understand everything
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Aug 2, 2019
thanks for your help and for do not answer like an idiot like some people here, english is not my mother tongue and I am still learning so it is not that easy sometimes to understand everything
Dont worry about it. Im not native english speaker either so i make a lot of grammar and typo a lot of times.
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4.60 star(s) 44 Votes