Why? It's entirely legitimate to possibly
not have something (not because initialisation failed, etc, but because logic dictates there's
nothing there, like there being no girl to display for interaction because you deselected her, or sent them all to the farm, or whatever) and to check to see if it's there or not. Python's None is also not quite (just) the same thing as a null value.
Empty lists/tuples/sets are also 'False' and are frequently used as such.
I don't disagree with that (at least in general). I don't recall BK doing either, though.
But '()' is a Tuple? '{}' is the empty set. You're right in that using tuples and lists somewhat interchangeably has bit Goldo in the ass before.
Yeah, like using

Ren'Py rollback isn't as robust as you seem to think it is.
How is this even relevant? If the battle is
anything like it is in one of these tactical RPGs, you'd be rolling back
hundreds if not thousands of steps per battle. Mouse rollback would make you die from carpal tunnel long before you've reloaded even a dozen battles.
Or if you're rolling back
every failed check you don't like, it'd be cheating on such a scale that you'd be
far more
sane to just cheat in Swords of Evisceration +100 for everyone and call it a day.
Last I looked, Seeds of Chaos was mostly a series of classic VN events with some mild RPG stuff bolted on top. Nowhere near as intricate as a management game of any kind. BK's closest Ren'Py comparison is probably the (now dead) Pytfall.
It's entirely conceivable SoC doesn't have complex enough data structures to be mangled by rollback. Or maybe they do and have it solved. Or maybe they're not even
aware that these problems exist. IDK. Your post indicates nothing of the sort.
While dynamic typing can have its pitfalls, this seems to be another 'programmer religion' argument waged purely for amusement. I doubt you're going to offer yourself as code cleaner and maintainer for BK. I guess such arguments can be fun, and a bigger project does need common guidelines, but insisting on
your style handbook being gospel for
someone else's project...
Neither me nor Goldo are programmers, we do these things for our amusement and maybe a little personal education, and and we don't expect anyone else to come after us. BK is a one-man passion project, and likely to remain one until it or its creator die. There are certainly things we could both learn and do better, but I don't think this is one of them. Feel free to make a thread on HHS and prove us wrong. Because I think this thread is cluttered enough as it is, and Goldo will never read it anyway.