It's the same thing I reported twice but still no action on it... yet...
1-Go to courtesans during the day before opening for casual sex. (Once we open for business we cannot return same day)
2-Select casual sex with any of the girls, happens with every single one... and, there is no return trip planned for today.
3-Try to reach climax but the option NEVER appears
4-Exit initial attempt at casual sex and enter the option again. THIS time you get the climax sequence. In fact, this begins with the climax sequence and actually allows the player and the courtesan to finish the event. Even combined the event is rather brief so there is NO reason to have it split in two parts, none at all.
There is no static image on the second session except for the final screen. It would be FAR better just to have ONE repeatable scene that includes both sections. The way that casual sex is currently set up requires TWO attempts to get through ONE single encounter. We would like it to run more like the marriage bed sex with Sofia. You select to have sex with Sofia, you engage, have your fun and climax all in the same session rather than two like the casual sex. It works the same with the play options with Sofia. You engage and finish the entire scene in ONE session rather than two like the casual sex. PLEASE repair this. This is my third request. I am certain that this is the same issue the other person was attempting to describe. It is one of very few limiters on my enjoyment of this game. But, it is so much of a chore to exit and restart with EVERY girl, EVERY time that I no longer even bother going in there. I have them all at max affection presently so there is no point. I'd go just for the fun of it if it weren't an immersion breaking two part chore every single time. Please fix this, my friend. I really do enjoy this title. This little fix would sincerely add to my enjoyment of the game and I am sure my other fellow fans and fiends out there as well. Please fix this one small annoyance.
The other item is the extremely slow load times, save times, reload times, screen loads, scene loads and generally sluggish nature of the entire screen loading process in the entire game. I have no clue how to optimize a game but I have played games that were and were not optimized. There must be a way to improve screen load performance here without sacrificing image or video quality.
Thank you, MrKhing, for listening, for this amazing, fun game and all of your efforts to make this wonderful fun available to us here. I am happy to see you participating openly in forums here because I will literally run fresh out of names of devs who do likewise before I run out of fingers to count on. That makes you one of the best kind of devs IMHO... those who are involved with their fans here. Despite these two error/improvement potential requests today I still enjoy the hell out of this game. This is by no means a complaint. However, I do see these two items as a way to seriously improve this game overall, changes that will make many fans happy, not just myself. I hope you agree, my friend.
Adventure ever on, Phat