She should still appear as your mother in law in game then and Sophia, your spouse, is 100% female even without the futa blocker. Blocking futa should not be an issue but it may. IDK. You may need to hit the dev up on their discord if you can't resolve this. Did you try the reception area (Lobby) both before and after opening for business as I suggested? That is the best suggestion I have at present. I didn't have any issues like this myself. Hope you can figure it out because this is a really fun game!
I'm in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. I enjoy having friends all over the globe so, Viva la France! Hahaha
Adventure ever on my friend, Phat
PS: I call her futa in law because she actually fathered Sophia in the futa enabled version. Felt weird calling her "dad" or "father in law" because she is female... with some additional anatomy... uh... so... futa in law! hahaha
Hello, I found the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after dev's explications. I needed on monday, to use the button location on the top, to click on "bank" (not esay to know it ), meet Mrs Amstrong (futa in law !), accept the marriage contract and meet sophia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can continue the game !!!!!!!!!!