I just wonder how can I build the ranch to recruit the doctor? can't seem to find it.
Taking control of the Education District is supposedly optional but I took over all three businesses and invested in the two sole owned properties. The doctor is co-owner of the third so no investment opportunity there... I didn't check career book first but since the take over is supposed to be optional, you may be able to opt out of the take over or delay it until later, IDK. The fact that the quest log in the help menu lists the Edu Dist take over as optional implies the doctor may be available without the take over but... I'm greedy in this game and want to own everything! Hahaha
The steps below are what you need to follow if you do take over the Edu Dist if you do not you may be able to skip to the career book step.
First, You also need to hire three new managers for your three new properties...
(PC in MC's room, Click Manage Brothel top left then click Build on the left from the next screen. Next screen click on Meeting Room top right then click the second option Company with the briefcase logo and finally click Hire three times to go from 11/14 to 14/14. Once you hire your new managers, back out of the computer to career book.)
Then, go to career book and select the doctor to interview the Doctor...
Next, after the interview and "testing her skills" as a courtesan, go in through the same screens you used to build all of the other build items. It is on the second page, just to the right of the casino.
I tried to build it before the interview and hiring managers but it just didn't show. So, I hired three new mgr, went through the interview and poof, there it was...
Once you build the "barn" that conceals the lab then you need to go back into the same screen to build the Breeding Chamber. That completes all of your builds for the current update. Note: There are scenes with the doctor that will appear in between some of these steps. Just let them play out then move forward to the next step.
Once you build the lab and Breeding Room upgrade, train the doctor all the way to class B.
Hope that helps you, my friend. Adventure ever on, Phat