Honestly how do you level in this game? i see people saying do the cleaning job constantly on the first level floor and avoid fighting. I did the cleaning job 5 times but i cant choose the first 3 level floors and the other floors are swarmed with yellow shadows which contain like 9 knights. PS this is on the easiest difficulty.
Pretty sure its bugged cause now i can onyl take 2000 gold jobs while i am lvl 2
The game is a massive grind.
1. They tell you to avoid fighting because you simply can't win in the beginning. Use your money to buy party members, the #1 priority should be a fairy, as it has decent magic attacks, it has healing spells, and it shows your position on the map which is massive later on (as maps become really confusing). Alongside a fairy, grab yourself a couple of tanks. Once done, then you can start fighting and leveling up.
2. Jobs never really pay that much to begin with. No matter how far ahead you are. 2k is a strong amount for level 2. Don't sweat it. After you get your party set up, and buy whatever equipment you want money isn't really an issue.
3. Yellow enemies are much harder than red. Early on if you run into one, just run away, or even leave the map if you need to. It won't reset your progress so don't worry, but it will reset enemy locations