
May 31, 2022
The game will have a single definitive ending... With one alternate skin on that ending.

Canonically all the main girls will end up pregnant. Alex's friends end up pregnant and it is implied that the Vicar and Bess may also be pregnant (and that's just so far), though I'm leaving it open as to whether that is true. I would like to think they do, but some players don't like the "I've impregnated every girl I've ever walked past in the street" angle and instead want to be an active part of all their kids lives.

The alternate skin on this is because I once promised someone that pregnancy would be technically optional (I ran a poll and apparently 12% of my audience uses pregnancy off). Which is probably going to be pretty lack luster as far as the effort I put in, but a lot of similar events will play out. It will be effectively the same ending, just without pregnancy.
Eyy, nice. Then I'm in it for the long haul!
4.10 star(s) 61 Votes