
Oct 10, 2018
Okay, that's the last straw.

For the longest time now, my game has been review-bombed by players who want to control its development.
It hasn't bothered me in the past, but this time it's gotten out of hand.

This recent 1-star reviewer, honeryx posted

Looks like it's been out for 5 years at this point, the complaints from earlier reviews are still relevant today.

No rollback, no player saves (just an auto save), sandbox-style time system where you're stuck hitting fast forward all the time for the one trigger---and can also only activate a trigger once a day, lots of trigger searching and constant checking of the quest objectives, poor mini games, built-in grind requiring component searches that are randomized (usually to find nothing) and a stamina system that, similar to these other issues, seems designed only to waste player type and block progress.

I thought the renders were better before but playing this most recent one they looked worse than I remembered too. Previously I thought at least the art direction was good, now I think it's just okay. Very small updates. Story progresses very slowly and seems to have real issues in getting anywhere and knowing what it wants to do.

Were reviews deleted at some point? Seems strange that this will be only the 4th review.

- My game was never meant to have any rollback, and this should be obvious by now
- My game does have player saves
- He complains about gameplay mechanics, the same ones that the majority of people don't have a problem with, and that he used to finish the game. Clearly, sandbox is not for you, so GTFO!
- He complains about 20-30 minutes worth of content updates (in a sandbox game, which, mind you, are very hard to make) every 2-3 WEEKS! If I hadn't pre-written all the dialogues for chapter 2 he would be getting the same content every 4-5 weeks.
- He clearly wants to see more biased negative reviews, and questions if any were deleted in the past, making his intent very obvious

This is clearly slander, as the majority of what this retard said is a lie, or just plain stupid.
I never said anything about the past review bombing, because even if they got butt-hurt and gave me a low score, They were mostly (I say that sparingly) honest about the contents of the game, and I can still respect that on some level.

That's changed now.

I was about to make a very rash decision until I saw bulifun's review,
thank you for your honest review and that will be noted in the future.

For everyone else, I'll put this as simply as I can,
If by the next update (2-3 weeks from now), this is still my review score (or lower)

View attachment 3807884

I thought of disabling manual saves on the F95 version permanently, but I'll sit on that for now.
Rather, I will disable backwards compatibility of save files, the chapter-select screen, and the auto skip button for all F95 future updates.
That means resetting your progress EVERY TIME I release a new update. At least the mf won't complain about not having enough playtime with each update.

I'm 100% serious
I refuse to stand for this anymore,
If you would like to retain your progress in future updates, then leave an honest review here.

And kindly cuss out this retard "honeryx" in the comments or your review after leaving a review, or it won't count.

If the goal is not met by the next update (2 weeks), I will be DM'ing only bulifun with the version that has backwards compatibility saves.
The changes won't affect new players (obviously), so they have nothing to worry about, should it come to that.

That is all.

Although the character design is relatively beautiful, it is undeniable that the game has some mechanical problems, I can't express the problems like other players did, after all it's been about 5 or 6 months since I played and I stopped at that mini-game where you have to defeating the woman in combat, that mini-game was so frustrating that despite being curious about the story, I didn't want to continue. That type of mini-game would normally be annoying, but it gets worse when the commands or mouse clicks have not only a delay but also no time pattern, it's a completely random thing.
2.00 star(s) 5 Votes