Ren'Py - Camp Klondike [Night Six Part Two] [Swimsoot]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Holllllyyyy molllley that was hawt

    The art has a certain charm and this is one of the few games where the sex audio actually reeaallllyyy realy adds to the scene and makes it hot. Headphones on for sure most other games usually I play muted.

    Despite sending me directly to horny jail this game does approach kink/consent & double standards very well.

    I wonder how serious it's going to be for an ending is this going to be just a one off fuck fest or does something come out of this for MC & one of the girls?

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    Dude the roleplay though hot as fuck.
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    All around funny sexy romp 5 stars
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    What a GEM!
    Graphics are a little weird, but faces (and nipples) are done really well and there is a lot of attention on small details which I loved. Also the animations are nicely done.
    Story is interesting and well written, sometimes it rides a thin line of quirkiness but never oversteps.
    Characters are great, interesting and kinda memorable. The two main girls are amazing, love 'em.
    The scenes are extremely sexy, it's a great mix of slow burn but at the same time very naughty, really greatly done. My only complaints would be about the deepthroats not going deeper, and that there is a little too much happening on the past instead of the present. And the fact that it's almost over.. I want more Hayden and Merit!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, the small "yeah"s are sooo hot. Could this be a kink of some sort? The interactions make my imagination run wild with anticipation. Excellent story telling and unique renders. I think a kinetic novel route could also be nice since freeroam and decisions doesn't seem to play a big role. I'll just hand the dev full control and enjoy the ride.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Camp Klondke is easily the best-written erotica available with fantastic employment as a visual novel. The chance to see the hidden side of an all-girls summer camp after the campers leave and the counselors are left to their own secret fantasies.

    The minigames are kept to a minimum and are easy point-and-click to investigate each area. The characters, particularly the women, are insanely attractive. And the sex scenes are the best written I have seen in a visual novel.

    Fantastic work, Swimsoot. An easy Patreon addition!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 10/10 ever seen acomedy like office or even
    a normal show and just giggled throughout due
    to how genuinely funny well this is that game

    Art 9/10 not gonna win any awards but still great

    Writing - it is over 9000 ,ok I'll stop ......

    Humor 10/10 made me laugh so much..........

    Sexual content 10/10 due to writing which makes
    it sexy as hell........

    Support 1/10 please we need to support this dev
    I hope there is no burnout andthsnks for game will
    Buy it on itchi io or steam once it is completed

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first, this is a great VN, up there with the best among the indie content on this site, and the definitive biggest reason for that, IMO, is the writing.

    Most stories here have an obviously porn-y bend, often incorporating high fantasy/sci-fi as well. Camp Klondike is a rarer one which, while incredibly smutty, accomplishes everything in a realistic setting and realistic characters, without any fancy frills. It's a bunch of horny camp counselors figuring out life and sex. There's no mind control, no magic cock, no fame and glory, no incest or pseudo-incest (except one teaser), just young adults flirting and exploring kinks. Characters are developed well - in proportion to their role in the story - and the relationship dynamics are done incredibly well. That means, of course, the dialogue and build up are all engaging and believable.

    One thing to note - in contrast to some other notable games here, there isn't any derogatory treatment of women, or any other class of person. Many other stories either rely on absurd stereotypes, or push some weird personal narrative of the dev. Camp Klondike is what I would consider very women-centric; all the girls have their own motives, and want to be sexually liberated and empowered, but simultaneously also have a genuine struggle with being hurt or objectified as a result of that. If you're not into that, this probably isn't the one for you.

    One weird thing about that is that the camp has a huge purity culture, and there's even a certain religious building in the story... but every mention of why sex is bad in the story is basically "because morals." I mean literally - not a specific moral being called out, just "morality." I'm not sure if that's because the dev has mostly seen that mindset, or if they're avoiding calling out any specific ideology. Considering this is, like, the central theme of the story, I would've expected a discussion that really goes deeper into why this is a social norm, and at least one character that can thoughtfully articulate why it's stupid. Maybe this is being reserved for later but it's getting close to the end already.

    OK, besides the writing itself, the game is actually more of a kinetic novel, there aren't many alternative choices at all, you just kind of get the option to not see some things. (Many bad choices result in an immediate redo, which feels a bit pointless, unless the dev plans to build those out later.) There are a few "interactive" scenes, which to be honest the interactivity was unnecessary, and given that they felt a bit clunky, probably burned an unreasonable amount of the dev's time. On the plus side, however, there are some basic animations and SFX which are used to great effect.

    The art is obviously, immediately controversial. If nothing else, it definitely has its own style, and it seems totally hand drawn (well, digitally). I think it's a bit of an acquired taste, however, it's a bit... amateurish? Occasionally it's distracting to see incorrectly drawn hands or feet, that sort of thing. Mostly, it serves its purpose: it executes on a specific look and portrays sexiness. I can see that not being enough for a lot of people, which is unfortunate.

    Overall a great, well-written VN, but one for a particular audience. Try it for half an hour. You'll probably love it or hate it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely unique game, I can't quite think of something like it because of the art style, but also how the characters interact with each other. It's well-written.

    I will admit the author definitely seems to have a thing for pubic hair but I don't mind it, they give players a choice later on about the subject, but I definitely see two end-game characters, and while I think the author is pushing players towards one character based on childhood friendship (even their Patreon has their highest level be based on Merit), I think Hayden is my end game choice if I had to right now. She has embraced being kinky and vulnerable with the MC.

    Maybe there is no end game, and when camp is over people will move on, which is also a realistic ending, but I hope it doesn't happen.

    Also, the humor in this game has been mentioned by other reviewers but it still deserves a shout-out, the characters say some of the funniest stuff imaginable in situations.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Do yourself a favor and play this game. It's going to be better than you expected.

    Yes, the art style is unique, but so is this game. Rather than just being a background for some text, the art is almost like another character. Thr animations aren't just some mechanical movements (okay, *some* of them are...) but they actually add depth, tension, and tone to the story in a way that I've not really seen. Especially as you get to the later days and dive into the fantasies. There are moments with the dialog is in the artwork, not a text box, and adds another level of immersion.

    The setting is somewhat cliché - camp counselors closing up shop at the end of the summer, but the story unfolds in a mostly-realistic way. Different characters are more into different things, and not everyone just wants to jump MCs bones. Everyone is depressed and horny, but not going to fuck just because they can. There's still some suspension of disbelief, but if you've ever been a camp counselor, you know it's not so far fetched. And if you wanted something totally realistic, you'd be playing Farming Simulator.

    Where this game shines the most, for me, is in how the story unfolds and the kinks explored. There a lot of tension and taboo, but it comes from internal struggles and trying to accept or balance what you want with what is expected of you. To that note, the game even takes a pro-woman bend, acknowledging that it can and should be an empowering thing for a woman to explore her desires. So if your thing is abusing power and degrading women, this won't scratch that itch. MC is by no means a cuck and has plenty of kinky fun, it's just with strong women who understand - and desire - the things they're consenting to.

    As the game goes on, some of the biggest themes include exhibitionism, voyeurism, and control, with (female) characters watching and directing the actions of other (also female) characters with MC. Obviously MC has relations with more than one girl, but it's not just separate threads that eventually allow a cliché threescore. It's clear the author is writing kinks they enjoy, not just things they've heard about.

    Last thing I'll mention is the humor. Occasionally you see the one-liner coming, but even then, it's still good. The characters roast each other at times. They act like camp counselors would act with each other after spending a summer together.

    Overall, one of my favorite adult games I've played and even though I'm disappointed that the end is near, I have high hopes for the finale and will definitely be watching for Swimsoot's future projects.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: Night Six Part One

    Overview: Talk dirty to me.

    Story: You are a not too bright and somewhat oblivious guy who finds himself in a formerly all girls camp with a large number of horny campers who are all into a variety of fetishes. Ok, this is not the most original story, but what makes this game stand out is the quality of the writing. In what is far too rare for porno VNs this developer knows how to write very hot sex scenes. It's hard to overstate just how much better the writing is in this game compared to almost any other game on this site. Every character is fully realized and each has their own fetish to explore. One nice thing is that this game knows it is a porno game so it doesn't spend too long on non-porn plots. There's just enough to make the characters more than a bag of fetishes and boobs, but you'll never get bored clicking through some endless backstory and mundane daily dialogs.

    Graphics: You're probably looking at the screenshots dubiously aren't you? Honestly, the art leaves a lot to the imagination, and especially early in the game it's rough. The artist really loves huge bucktooth smiles so I hope that doesn't turn you off. While the game has quite a bit of animation, it never looks great. The game has sound effects and music, but nothing to write home about.

    Fapability: This is a real standout of the game. Despite the art being a bit hard to make out at times the writing will keep you fully engaged. I find it works best to take the game about 1 day at a time.

    Conclusion: Although it would be easy to overlook this game if you're just looking at the screenshots, you shouldn't because it has about the best writing of any game on this site. I'd rate the game 3/5 on graphics, and 7/5 on writing, averaging out to a perfect five star game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2372719

    Legit funny. Not "funny for a semi-amateur porn game" funny, but laugh-out-loud, why-didn't-I-think-of-that-joke funny. I got to day 2 and signed up on Patreon. The art style is quirky and takes some getting used to, but I bet you've never seen another game that looks like it. I haven't even gotten to a real sex scene yet, and I still love it. Well done. 5/5
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing is detailed, humorous, and erotic, story and plot is interesting and well concieved, art is unique... you will begin to like it the longer you play, not every girl will be into you in this story but the hottest ones are and thats whats important, the game is 70% teasing which would throw some people off but the exceptional dialogue and pacing makes it work. The only reason why this is 4 stars is because of that fucking scene with Merit and the fat kid I mean... just why? Just imagine that that scene doesnt exist and you'll be good the rest of the game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics aren't the best, but this game has literally the best erotic writing I've ever come across, period. This includes actual published novels and such. It manages to build incredible sexual tension and delivers incredibly erotic scenes.

    Seriously, just play it.

    That aside, there are some weak points, but they don't detract from the >5 star experience this is:

    - The graphics require some getting used to. The developer clearly spent a lot of time building and animating scenes, which is great, but graphics that are tighter and more polished would elevate the experience

    - While it doesn't say [VN] on the tin, this is very much a story-oriented "game" that follows a mostly linear path. You can make some choices, but I'd definitely call it more "interactive story" than "video game". Being essentially a VN isn't bad, because it's probably required to tell a story of this caliber without the resources of an A-class studio, but still, this might turn some people off.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: I can see why someone might really like this title- but it wasn't for me. It is quirky and well written...but I only got 3 days into this title before I deleted it from my hard-drive with a feeling of disgust. Almost every character is an unabashed slut, including the "innocent childhood friend." After you start sexual content with her- she basically forced some lil fat dude to masturbate in front of her...eww. Very little content is avoidable and the stuff that is avoidable is not well telegraphed so you have no fucking idea what you are getting yourself into. I would not rec this title to anyone who has aversion to sharing kinks.

    +Writing is good.
    + Game is a bit quirky in a lot of good ways.
    + Art has a unique style.
    +Sprite art and non sex or teasing art is great
    +Had some content I loved. Like the Maledom BDSM bits, and some of the parts where the girls egg the MC on verbally in ways that didn't involve other men or talking about getting off on imagining other men watching them...
    +The scenes that I did enjoy were written exceptionally. The pacing of the erotic scene description is sublime.
    +Very consent positive

    - The main kink in this game is voyeurism.
    -Game needs to be tagged better. Tags like cheating, bukake, and some ntr adjacent content really ruined this title for me and I felt deceived by the developer's preview pics, game description, and tag portfolio. It didn't really tell the full story of what the game was as a sex game.
    - Very little of sexual content was avoidable. Since there were things I *really* didn't like / things I found gross; this was a huge deal-breaker and negative for me. Practically completely ruining my possibility of enjoying this title.
    -Lack of choices in general was an issue. You can choose which order you visit the various buildings within a given day- but generally when you are given a dialogue choice it is either a binary set of choices with one choice leading to a bad end OR just there for flavor.
    -Art for the sexual content is a little hit or miss
  14. 5.00 star(s)



    A) How would i describe this ?
    = Stupendo fantabulously phantasmagorically magical collection of art meant to service your heart AND your crank.

    B) Who should give a shit?
    = should. I have played 100+ AVNs and I have only rated ONE other AVN in this exact fashion with these exact words. The dev has cooked something for which we ARE NOT ready for.

    On surface, the game is about a group of counselors blowing steam off after camp ends and it's about exploration of their naughty side. BUT IT'S SO MUCH MORE...
    Even tho the game is very lighthearted at the core, it doesn't shy away from hinting at deep concepts related to self image, repression, and regrets.

    I am a proud handholding, pat-giving, hug seeking fucko
    that will refuse to play games that only offer porn and no coherent plot or authentic characters. If I want porn I can just go to the orange site or some'm not reading it to empty my balls but to rather fill my heart. Even tho the game is very heavy on sex and Kink exploration, it's done in such a perfect fashion that it doesn't even come off as comes off as genuine and authentic story about people coming to terms with what they want and who they are. It doesn't have a crazy plot since it's lighthearted but there is a plot and it ties so well with the H scenes that I just want to hug this game for making me feel good.

    Not everyone is jumping on MCs dick and not everyone is a virgin waiting just for MC to defile them......AND this is what makes the game realistic. So if you are offended by girls talking about their past experiences or seeing those scenes, then you might not enjoy it. Game is NOT about you, it's about Kink exploration of camp counselors and you are a part of it rather than being the whole.

    Pros: HAND-FUCKING-DRAWN art that's unique and original (art style really grows on you), sound effects and music are like fine selection of caviar, WRITING IS ABSOLUTE GOLD (one of the most quirky and extremely witty pieces of humor), animations are decent, and characters are deep.

    Cons: NONE.

    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick this up now!!

    Still on the fence?
    Ever thought a dish might not taste good cuz of how it looked but once you got the taste you couldn't believe how good it was.....that's this game. Not convinced? about ever come across a game (pun intended) that has jokes about about mosquitoes getting herpes, possibility of a wet nightmare, smelling the logs that would be burned for sauna, jedi nip trick, bowling ball with three holes and simping after the weather savior of our generation?? The setup and delivery of these jokes put this game on next level.

    Don't do yourself disservice by not giving this a go!

    Go play it already!
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Easily some of the best writing on this site. Genuinely funny. All killer no filler. If you're reading this and haven't tried the game out, here's your call to action: go download the game right now.

    The visuals in the thumbnails might seem off-putting, but give it a chance. It brings something new to the table, and might surprise you with how hot it ends up being when you're actually playing it.

    Ideally I wish I had a little more control over the narrative besides skipping events, but I'll take a well told linear story over a half-baked branching narrative any day. Also the "game over" sequence when you choose an obviously "wrong" choice is pretty funny. Hope we get real Valentina content at some point.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The best VN I have ever played on F95, by far. Great writing and excellent renders. Merit and Hayden are my favorites! I wonder what will happen after Day 5? Do they all go home and start a new path? Keep up the good work!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing and story. There are very few peers when it comes to the amount of thought and talent that has gone into this game.

    Graphics are quirky. I like them not they wouldn't be everyone's preference.

    Solidly in my top 5 on the site.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A diamond in the rough.

    Camp Klondike isn't your standard AVN. It's a kinetic novel with only minor choices, and while the 2d graphics have a retro-charm once you get used to them, the game lives and dies on its story and writing.

    Luckily for us, those are fantastic. Klondike exploits it setting - a group of horny 19 year olds taking the chance to run wild away from home and prying eyes - for all it's worth. The game particularly shines when it's ramping up the sexual tension, with the characters egging each other (and the player) on. There are no filler scenes or random subplots, and the main plot keeps moving forward the whole time. As for the sex, it's kink heavy, but in a realistic, fun way, and made much better by the buildup and aftermath.

    If you're mostly here for visuals, then Klondike isn't for you. Otherwise, give it a shot.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a beautiful gem of a game. The character writing is second to none, and there is a surprising amount of soul waiting to touch your heart. Give yourself some time, bring an open headspace, and you will be rewarded with a deliciously hot experience.

    Mostly the game reads as a visual novel, occasionally using choices that dare you to be honest. The sexy scenes are the best portrayals of Safe, Sane, and Consensual that I've ever seen in an AVN. Which is NOT to say this game is vanilla ;). Honestly it makes it even better. The setting -camp counselors with a week of freedom- is a better premise than most reality television.

    Much has been written about the non-standard art style, but I can say for my own taste it is fantastic. I find that a fresh take often enhances the imagination and frees me to immerse more fully into the fantasy. The exception might be if it was so jarringly mis-proportioned so as to be distracting, but that is not the case here. The T's are hot, the A's are tight, and the faces get the point across.

    In sum: playing Camp Klondike is a little like strolling into a neighborhood diner for some mouth fuel, then getting your palette blown the fuck away by a plate of food so hard it leaves you lingering there staring at the plate in wistful thought.

    I highly highly recommend surrendering to this enticing story and letting your inner wolf out for a ride.

    Kudos to youdos, indeed.

    update: of all the games I have played on this server, this is the one I think about the most.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The ONLY criticism you could make of this game is the art quality. In my opinion, however, the art style, writing quality, and overall execution far outweigh any art issues. The game is fantastic, and I'm shocked it's not more popular.