[Night Four Part One] The first thing you'll notice is the graphics. It's... well, it's a mix of Microsoft Paint and clipart from Office 97

It feels weird at first, but I'd urge you to push through. It fits the atmosphere well, and the experience is greatly enhanced by animations and sound effects.
What's it about, then? It's a summer camp for college-aged boys and girls. Klondike is run by a strict headmistress who does not want shenanigans in her domain. Obviously, horny teenagers have other plans. Some (like our MC) are new to the camp, and some have known each other for years, allowing for some interesting dynamics. The writing is quite good, and often hilarious.
So far, so ordinary. What makes the game special is how it cares for its characters. At its core, Klondike is an exploration of sexuality and kink. It does so with humour, realism and finesse, without resorting to cheap objectification.
There are scant concessions for porn logic, if any. The girls are almost all sexually experienced to various degrees, while MC's experience is limited to being on the cover of a sex manual and some... unfortunate attempts at exploration with aquatic equipment

Some girls have boyfriends, some are interested in boys other than the MC (!), and most are willing to talk about their sexual history - in graphic detail - around a campfire, with plenty of alcohol as social lubricant.
One of my biggest pet-peeves in AVNs is the poor quality of sex writing. Watching characters repeatedly smash their bits does absolutely nothing for me. You could create the most intricate, photorealistic renders, but without eroticism I'll likely yawn and fast-forward. Klondike gets eroticism right. One girl narrates her extremely hot experience about getting fucked on a nude beach, another enjoys mutual masturbation with the MC in the wee hours of the night, yet another has some rough play time with the MC in a cave. Kinks are explored, voyeurs and exhibitionists discover themselves.
And everything happens without reducing anyone to their body parts. These are people who care about being seen and understood, not merely used. They communicate. Boundaries exist, and are respected. One of the girl's first sex scene with the MC includes a quick chat about how exactly she likes
and doesn't like to be touched. Such a stark contrast to the "just stick it in" we've come to expect. Condoms are a thing! MC and a girl decide not to go for PIV despite being very much in the heat of the moment because they realize neither of them brought a condom.
It's not just MC's interactions, either. One of the girls - the one closest to MC - helps out another guy in a sexual situation. It's meant as an act of kindness for a friend, is received as such, and no one gets jealous or possessive. Yet another guy has feelings for yet another girl, and MC plays wingman to both. Some girls are actual lesbians, and have no interest in the MC.
I could go on and on, but this is already long enough. So I'll just say that Camp Klondike is a surprisingly refreshing take on the summer camp genre, and is strongly recommended! Go support the developer on Patreon