Ren'Py - Camp Klondike [Night Six Part Two] [Swimsoot]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    First of. I love this game.

    The tension build-up and general interaction between the characters are the best part of the story.

    The best and worst thing about the game is the art.

    On the one hand, I love the drawn characters. The emphasis on specific body parts all contributes to the game and makes it comes alive.

    I love the art, but having said that... it's unique, but not the best hand drawn game I have played. I just can not bring myself to give it the full 5 stars,

    Having said that, the art is also part of what makes the game so awesome!

    Sorry about the contradiction. To the Dev: Don't change anything. I love your game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It took me a while to try this one because playing through 2d projects in their early updates is...pain. Because usually they are empty. Now that it has some meat, I can finally rate it.

    Its art is unusual but it quickly grew on me. Alongside the unique way it depicts sex scenes, it's probably my favorite aspect of this game. And it has good writing to go with it. Since the sex scenes are kinda like a fever dream, it's very verbose during them to better portray what's going on. And what's going on is usually steamy. Unlike many games that just use a dorky animation and forget sex scenes need to be written. The first one in the bunk bed (you 'll know), is among my favorites on here.

    My worry, like most 2d games, is its update pace. It is kinda slow but of course it's to be expected at this point with 2d art. Still not ideal when it comes to growth.

    Definetely one I'm glad to see in the update page every time.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is spotty.
    Meaning, there are moments it is really good, and moments it's really bad.

    I like the art overall, but then it lacks hugely at times. Kind of like an impatient artist only focusing when they want to.

    And while the faces are pretty... the mouths. Wtf even are those? One oddly large mouth is a character quirk. Everyone with them is a bad art style. :p

    The gameplay part is just clicking on things occasionally. Really could be eliminated, but I suppose it replaces some necessary art otherwise.

    The part this VN excels at is the dirty talk. This game could easily have been named Camp Pillow Talk or something.

    The lewd talks are more about using imagination and will likely not impress you if it doesn't hook you. It only hooked me like twice, but that may differ per person.

    tldr: This one isn't a standard VN. Only you can tell if you like it.
    It's about... an hour, maybe two of reading, give or take your reading speed.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The situations, the differences between the girls all make this game hot hot hot. Some might disagree on the art style but I love the uniqueness of it. Hope the future chapters explore more of the girls individual personalities and kinks with or without the MC.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I beg of you, if you are on the fence because of the artstyle, please give the game a chance. I wasn't a fan how it looked the first 10 minutes but it quickly grew on me and now I like it quite a lot.
    This is the most engaging and immersive pairing of sound effects and animation I have experienced in a while. The characters are amazingly written and three-dimensional , and there truly is something for everyone. Not to mention how real everything feels story-wise.
    Definitely a contender for my favourite game on this site.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    [Night Four Part One] The first thing you'll notice is the graphics. It's... well, it's a mix of Microsoft Paint and clipart from Office 97 :D It feels weird at first, but I'd urge you to push through. It fits the atmosphere well, and the experience is greatly enhanced by animations and sound effects.

    What's it about, then? It's a summer camp for college-aged boys and girls. Klondike is run by a strict headmistress who does not want shenanigans in her domain. Obviously, horny teenagers have other plans. Some (like our MC) are new to the camp, and some have known each other for years, allowing for some interesting dynamics. The writing is quite good, and often hilarious.

    So far, so ordinary. What makes the game special is how it cares for its characters. At its core, Klondike is an exploration of sexuality and kink. It does so with humour, realism and finesse, without resorting to cheap objectification.

    There are scant concessions for porn logic, if any. The girls are almost all sexually experienced to various degrees, while MC's experience is limited to being on the cover of a sex manual and some... unfortunate attempts at exploration with aquatic equipment :) Some girls have boyfriends, some are interested in boys other than the MC (!), and most are willing to talk about their sexual history - in graphic detail - around a campfire, with plenty of alcohol as social lubricant.

    One of my biggest pet-peeves in AVNs is the poor quality of sex writing. Watching characters repeatedly smash their bits does absolutely nothing for me. You could create the most intricate, photorealistic renders, but without eroticism I'll likely yawn and fast-forward. Klondike gets eroticism right. One girl narrates her extremely hot experience about getting fucked on a nude beach, another enjoys mutual masturbation with the MC in the wee hours of the night, yet another has some rough play time with the MC in a cave. Kinks are explored, voyeurs and exhibitionists discover themselves.

    And everything happens without reducing anyone to their body parts. These are people who care about being seen and understood, not merely used. They communicate. Boundaries exist, and are respected. One of the girl's first sex scene with the MC includes a quick chat about how exactly she likes and doesn't like to be touched. Such a stark contrast to the "just stick it in" we've come to expect. Condoms are a thing! MC and a girl decide not to go for PIV despite being very much in the heat of the moment because they realize neither of them brought a condom.

    It's not just MC's interactions, either. One of the girls - the one closest to MC - helps out another guy in a sexual situation. It's meant as an act of kindness for a friend, is received as such, and no one gets jealous or possessive. Yet another guy has feelings for yet another girl, and MC plays wingman to both. Some girls are actual lesbians, and have no interest in the MC.

    I could go on and on, but this is already long enough. So I'll just say that Camp Klondike is a surprisingly refreshing take on the summer camp genre, and is strongly recommended! Go support the developer on Patreon :)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is definitely something else. Wow. Like, quality is maybe not great, even though I really dig the style I feel it could still be improved, especially some girls have weird anatomy. But aside for this? Holy shit this in not a porn game anymore, this is an experience
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game exceeded my expectations. Kind of a slow burner(yes there are sex scenes), but a really well written erotic novel with a very original art style.

    The characters in this game feel like actual characters with thoughts and feelings and of course fetishes. Stuff sometimes is quite exagerated for entertaining purpouses but overall storywise the plot is well constructed and believable. If you enjoy this kind of erotic reading(slow burn) you would definitely feel transported into this world. Highly recommended.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Respect. Finally i have something thats going in detail to the erotic side of a sexual scene with the thoughts and interactions that come with it. The dialouge and diferent Charaters and how they present their desire in detail is very intriguing. Ofcourse it takes some getting used to the art and overlap of standstill images, but the character movment is a big + instead of just having standstills. I really cant emphasize enough how important a good build up for scenes is. Not in terms of character development and lenght like how they form a relationship in a longer period and the endresult as reward.
    BUT how a scene unfolds in a back and forth dialouge. Id rather have less scenes and therefore way longer with diferent highs and maybe even more orgasm for the woman side, instead of a long relationship build up and a 2 img back and forth animation resulting in and unimersive explosion from the Mans side.
    i didnt play much yet im only at day two but the two scenes i saw atleast give me the impression that these "in the moment" long thought out interactions and dialouges between the characters will leave a lasting impression on everyone whos overlooking the initial images.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A VN that is definitely out of the ordinary, but in the best way. If the graphics will certainly put off more than one, the creator largely compensates this aesthetic " flaw " by an interesting scenario and an almost perfect rhythm.

    The faces are particularly well done, and all the characters seem to have their own identity, a welcome change in the VN universe. Some animations are really worth it, despite obvious technical limitations.

    My only negative points are some dialogues at the beginning of the game, which seemed almost random... and the design of MC's penis!

    A very good piece overall, that i'm enjoying greatly.
    Maybe add some more kinks and fetishes ?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in super hot. 6 out of 5.
    Visuals are little simplistic, but that totally works.
    Great to see so many different body types and personalities.
    The plot is 100% linear (so far at least, I'm on day 2), and that's exactly how I like it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Just found this game and it is fan-fucking-tastic. The clever banter, the pacing and effects used in the scenes , the overlap of character's faces, the thought that went into facial expressions. the dramatic pauses in the dialogue, the sound effects, the humor. This game is a gem.

    And I can't explain why but the primitive art style actually adds to the sexiness of the faces rather than detracts from it. If the bodies were a little better it would be perfect. And the story is filthy, but has heart and sincerity.

    If I could give more than 5 stars I would.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is super unique, which is always appreciated (since renpy games do tend to be plagued with the same 3d models). A diverse cast of characters with unique quirks, but with everyone seemingly exploring their sexual preferences. Whilst the decisions do appear to be linear at times, this can be overlooked since I quite like where the plot is heading anyway. Additionally, the fact that the game can pull some of the hottest scenes without actually having penetrative sex in it (e.g. Mer and the protagonist on the bunk bed) indicates at just how well made this project is so far.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A very unique and very sexy game and very well written on top of that.

    I love the art, the build ups to the scenes are very well done and the scenes are some of the hottest I have seen here!
    All the girls have a unique attractiveness, I wouldn't mind having my way with any of them, but Merit and Schuyler are the top girls.

    Totally worth your support, I am a patron, I suggest you become one too, the devs deserve way more support than they're getting at the moment!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game took me for a suprise I thought this would be a boring point and click with full quests and demanding choices, but it was actualy quite fun, and I love the fact each girl have a unique body including the shape of their pussies and pubes. I hope the MC will start to be less shy.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one the best games I have ever played on here. Good writing, nice character work, and steamy scenes. Camp Klondike is different, new, and interesting. You haven't played something like this game before. Hat's off.

    A few reasons you might like this game:
    • If you want girls (and guys!) that feel and look like real people, not dolls, this is a great game for you.
    • If you like people discovering their sexual preferences.
    • If you are looking for slower building (not drawn out either), and well done, tense, sexual scenes, you will like this game.
    The only thing I would say as a negative is that the art style may not be to everyone's taste. But this game has a unique style, and commits. No generic assets you have seen 1,000 times in Camp Klondike.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is meh, the constant sexual innuendo are really cringey as well as the dialogs. The art is "peculiar", you like it or not but i think there's no middle ground here.

    Most infuriating thing is we play an adult game but the mc have the brain of a 12 year old.

    TLDR: Don't bother with this game, the princess is in another castle.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just different to others, in a positive way! Not another game using almost similar character models, but a fresh new art style combined with very engaging writing. Definitely try it, one of the most underrated games of the platform.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style is good, sandboxy parts are not annoying, there is no grind...

    But, guys, the dialog is fantastic. The setting allows for a reality to the whole sex coming quick aspect.

    This is a well conceived, well written, erotic as all hell game.

    I can't think of another game that gets the sexy talk as right as this.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    While the animation could be smoother, the writing and art style are top notch.

    The characters are a bit too exaggerated and the porn arrives a bit too fast, but they all feel like lived-people (as in they all seem like they have inner lives and are not simply there to be sexual objects for the protagonist).

    This is good stuff!