game is likely abdoned, status should be changed (?)
See patreon
4. AUGUST UM 09:09
Status Report and the future
"Sorry for the late notice. My health is still bothering me and Corona also had his claws in the game. Therefore, I couldn't actively do anything in the last weeks. Therefore there'll be no update so soon.
I had a lot of time to think about it and will probably close my account here. Since I never did it for the money, I want to put my projects on a new footing and make future updates available for free and open. Whether I might switch to another platform like Subscribe is something I'm still thinking about.
At this point I want to give out a huge thank you to all supporters! It's great to see how much you liked my projects and thank you for all your feedback! Even if it sounds like goodbye, it shouldn't be meant that way! I will probably leave the account as long as I can and then inform you about the new changes."
See patreon
4. AUGUST UM 09:09
Status Report and the future
"Sorry for the late notice. My health is still bothering me and Corona also had his claws in the game. Therefore, I couldn't actively do anything in the last weeks. Therefore there'll be no update so soon.
I had a lot of time to think about it and will probably close my account here. Since I never did it for the money, I want to put my projects on a new footing and make future updates available for free and open. Whether I might switch to another platform like Subscribe is something I'm still thinking about.
At this point I want to give out a huge thank you to all supporters! It's great to see how much you liked my projects and thank you for all your feedback! Even if it sounds like goodbye, it shouldn't be meant that way! I will probably leave the account as long as I can and then inform you about the new changes."