I ran through the update to check for notable big improvements I'd notice when restarting the game again.
1) Enemies have a chance to drop loot after death now, when they previously did not. That's a big deal. This feature took long enough to arrive.
2) Now that there are 3 arcana skills, I note that Arcana increases its respective character stat in increments of 0.5 per point spent. I did not play far enough to find the spells yet, but investing in the stat seems wasteful, the same problem with Fate. For example, you can invest in Arcana for 0.5 of its stat per point spent, Fate for 5% pregnancy chance modifiers (nonimportant stats) and 0.5% more critical hit chance per point, or you can spend in strength for 2 whole points of flat melee damage and 0.2 points of armor per level.
Even if the spells are worth having, the stat does not yet seem worth investing in. At least Presence checks were greatly lowered as per the previous update.