Unreal Engine - Carnal Instinct [2024-10-17] [Team Carnal Instinct]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, fun to play, short story so far 12/2/20 but has a lot of potential, combat works and its not a chore. No save function yet but not really needed yet. Im looking forward to future updates.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The combat is nothing top tier that scratches triple A games or anything, but it certainly is better than a lot of souls-likes that are unironically sold on steam for their gameplay. I reckon with the addition of more weapons it'll be more fun, but I already enjoy it so far even if it's a bit janky at times. Maybe needs a parry system? Or any kind of reason to roll over attacking to stunlock or blocking.

    The inventory system is great, although maybe a bit small, but it's so detailed and properly done there's very little I can say to this except that it's nice. Having the option to stockpile customization options to change on the fly is an amazing idea that is very underrated.

    A ton of customization options with skin, head and dick, absolutely great. Even if there's only two dicks right now, that is amazing in it's own right.

    The scenes are so well done, I was expecting basic loops of one scene per encounter, but there's so much variety with great camera work and even x-ray. Even the tail scene was interesting. My only complaint is to add a skip button (or enable to go next scene instantly) because I accidentally misclicked the tail scene and had to watch it 5 times.

    Quality. Nothing else to say. For 1.58 GB this looks like it could straight up just shit on most titles these days in terms of quality. The models are really good looking and I've only noticed very minor issues with them.

    Plot - while I don't usually care too much about this, it's a great plot that livens up the whole game.

    Variety - Having the options to switch your dick on the fly, or to make yourself different skin races and colours will never grow old. I kind of wish the races had differently sized dicks, or that there will be more variety added but I'm already quite happy with what it has so far.

    With the addition of the quest log (and a map?) the game will be so much better, too. It's a bit hard to find stuff currently and none of the edges of the map are clearly defined, to the point where you walk for five minutes to find out there's an invisible wall on the way.

    But yes, big fan, will follow this with open eyes.

    - Combat
    - Inventory
    - Customization options
    - Scenes
    - Quality
    - Plot
    - Variety

    (- Performance)
    (- lack of content)
    - No map
    - No skip option
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    For a Pre-alpha, it already looks and plays better than most games in the market that have been developed for years.

    The sex scenes, characters and maplook gorgeous. The map exploration and gameplay are fun, with an already voiced NPC in the game.

    I am really looking foward for this game and will probably buy it when it comes out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow in every way to this game... unlike most "Unreal" listed games it is not a buggy or crashy mess. The physics, combat, characters are all A+... Not bad for a alpha. There are not many scenes you can look at but com on, that jiggly ass is worth it. Nice hud and "equipment".
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I LOVE IT !!!!!!

    It is one of the best games that I have liked, compared to those that have been uploading this one is one of the best !!! I can't wait for more updated versions


    Es uno de los mejores juegos que me han gustado, comparado con los que han ido subiendo este es uno de los mejores !!! No puedo esperar por versiones más actualizadas LO RECOMIENDO
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release game this is very smooth and feels very nice to play, Giving off nice vibes. Love the hole costumisation option and set up. and would love to see more diffrent types of armor, furs, and masks~ Perhaps even foot wear or difrent types of legs could be cool. A bug on the other hand that seems to acure to me is that some items seems to act like one time use items. like the difrent types of manhoods. They seem to only work for one sex scene and then they are gone. or that they just disapear in the inventory. Ive also encountered masks disapearing after putting skins on them and the naked body completly disapearing so i could only wear the warrior skirt. Other then that this game is looking very promising for its first release and ill be looking forward to future updates and releases.

    Keep up the good work!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    For a pre-alpha version of a game this looks so good! Some games that have been in development for a long time look worse gameplay and graphical wise. Looking forward to see how they will update this game in a future. Defo going to support creators on their patreon!