Well, so far, there are only two quests. You get them from the blacksmith and mercenary girl. Hold left alt on the keyboard to see where the two are in the village.
You can tell the mercenary you're a prostitute and she'll pay you 50 gold, but won't go for anything higher.
From the two quests, you can be awarded with gold and sex. For the blacksmith you have to ask about that beer he promised you.
I didn't see any beer, but that's okay. lol
There doesn't appear to be a tavern yet. Or, if there is, it doesn't have furniture or a bartender yet.
To complete the quests, again hold alt to see where to go.
Nothing else out there. No furniture or other things in any buildings except the ones belonging to the mercenary and the blacksmith. No one out in the woods. Not even animals yet.
But for a 0.0.1, I guess there's a bit more than I expected.
Still, all you can do right now is do the same two quests and get sex from the blacksmith and mercenary. Gold doesn't actually seem to have been implemented yet, and there's nothing to buy with it anyway.
More attention seems to have been payed to the male perspective views for sex, as most of them look okay to decent if you adjust the camera just right.
Most of the women POVs during sex look crazy, seeing inside of the bodies, or inside the other person's head. lol
But you gotta see that oral anim from the guy's perspective. Looks like the vag is talking or about to eat him or something. lol
Still, it's a 0.0.1. And those often don't even have any sex yet or quests.
Not complaining, just laying all of this out in case anyone wants to know going in. Save some headaches, maybe.
Also, do not change the graphics settings in the menu. Either from the main screen or in game. There's no way to save the game yet, and once you change graphic settings at all, you cannot get out of the menu except by hitting alt f4 and starting over.
So, there are higher settings, but we can't access them yet due to that glitch.
The other menus appear to work fine, but I didn't adjust any audio settings. I changed some other things, like reversing the y axis in first and third person, because that seemed backwards by default to me compared to what I'm used to. And some other things and I was able to exit the menu just fine from in game.
I didn't find any files in the folder for the game that I could adjust the graphics settings manually from, so right now I guess we'll have to wait for that to be fixed.
Looks promising if it's not abandoned. Hopefully some more RPG elements, maybe some wildlife in the woods to hunt. More quests, and a story later. Touch ups on Dialogue and sex animations. That kind of thing.
Good luck, dev.