Sensuverse how do You make such landscape, without any clipping or bug or whatsoever in just 3 months
For this release, game have the best ever landscape created, with minor issues on most far located snow zones at the end of the map.
Very good ambient sound.
Very good animations for H activities, rest are also OK
Models of buildings need retexturing imo and may be door opening trigger remake.
Character modeller and models themselves are the biggest issue of this release so far imo.
Everything else can be comment in future releases : )
Hope this game will survive. Great potential it have.
Forgot to add...
Best ever optimized demo so far, from every UE game on this forum I ever played.
1440p, everything except AA on max and constant 60 fps.
Are there any enemies so far in the release?
I cant find anybody except within village..
Found second quest and two thugs. I suppose that is all..