HTML - Abandoned - Casting Director [v0.041 Alpha] [Old Dirty Dog]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Didn't have high expectations going in but wow, this game has been really solid so far. The mechanics are simple enough not to feel like a roadblock (if a little repetitive) but just challenging enough to provide a sense of progression. The model choices have solid variety as do the scene choices.

    Most importantly the writing is amazing. The moment to moment description and dialogue are genuinely engaging and a blast to read, with a few very clever jokes that almost had me laughing out loud at three in the morning. Most of the characters are also well developed, and while obviously its a smut game so there is a level of suspension of disbelief, there is also a genuine feel to the girls that is rare.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game concept its really interesting .. also the difficult variations make you more suitable to your style or way to do things.

    Have order on where you can know about your character and characters related to it, the only thing i could suggest to it its make some groups on it like a hit box to dont have a long screen to read, since well on mobile its kinda uncounfortable.... but beside that on desktop runs smooth.

    The decision choices you make change the storyline of some short ways, not affect much the principal wich is good, but also it be good have a note or somewhere in game who can show you what could happen or wich scenes could trigger with another choice if sometime you wanna make that chance and doesnt wanna play again from zero point.

    Also other point i could like to make a suggestion is on movie cast work, since you could be able to choice wich actress you wanna use, not only show you a random one, and that could affect the money or rating from the movie and that way your earnings, its just an idea.

    The stats and the progress of MC on his way to improve/develop them its really clear and almost easy if you track them a few at start so that isnt a problem at all....

    The only points negative, yes i apologize i have to point them and i hope it could be helpfull instead of sound like im complaining, its some actress images are repetitive and dont fit much the profile of the selected one, and repeat between them so its too much random and doesnt seems coherent.

    Another possitive point for game progress its Perk status, but maybe a few more or some better/reworked effects could be more helpfull on higher difficult settings, and more use to MC house and furnite.

    Beside that maybe some kind of reward after complete a main character progress quest, since the game doenst have much ways to make money, some money related to it, could be helpfull for new players at this style.

    The cast selection its good, have variety but the neggative could be that are just a few, and some of them arent full or have much progress story/relationship yet... so with that and the repetitive random actress work its a point that i would like to be improved, if its possible.

    Also the storyline of the MC its interesting, and i would like to see more of where its going this game, i have been playing for a while and i really enjoy it.

    So i highly recommend it if you like to enjoy a game with progression, order and developed skills and status of a character.

    For the developer, thanks for share your game with us, and i hope i didnt offended with my negative points, i know its hard to make a game but i like your work, i apologize for not have resources to support you, but if what i pointed could help you ,at least i hope that, it be my way to contribute with you.

    Keep going with this game i wanna see more of it
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.037 Alpha]
    It's probably one of the best game out here. I literally didn't expect much at first but boy i was wrong.
    Some of the best things about it.
    choice of characters
    and the range is also good
    it's a must if u like to be dominant and also even if u don't.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An engaging HTML game that dives deep into the dark side of Hollywood. The characters have distinct personalities and some depth to them The image choices are also great: nothing that breaks immersion. There is an interesting plot line that ties the game together and you never feel that there are too many side quests that distract you from the main plot.

    The number of locations in the sandbox are also quite manageable. The developer does a great job of introducing a gameplay element (like a location) step by step before opening the sandbox to the player. This is crucial to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed when you start the game.

    Keep up the good work!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.037 Alpha]
    This is one of the best real porn text base games ever.
    Amazing writing, It’s sharp and short, one paragraph and everything is explained, no need to add anything else.
    One pages takes the others, it’s incredible how it succeeded to put humor, satire, intellectual stuff and porn themes in some lines, it’s so careful written.
    It is not grindy nor repetitive, sex scenes happen at the right moment with the right pacing, characters are good and the story is original.
    Oh right it has a STORY, thing that many real porn games tend to mishandle or forsake.
    There are even choices, well done that question your morality and perversion that are connected to your surviva.
    The sandbox element is just right, with rpg characteristic that doesn’t feel unnecessary.
    I have nothing more to say, play the game I always have a blast while playing the updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is certainly the best real-porn game on F95. The writing is excellent and the developer knows how to use the right pictures at the right moments. The plot is reasonable and no family incest bs. I highly recommend anyone to try it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is basically Harvey Weinstein: the Game. Gotta say, it was a lot of fun. And with the random actresses, there is enough fap material in the game. I will say that I wish the casting couch scenes had more random gifs and images. By the time you get to the content for the latest build, you've seen the same images and gifs a hundred times. Especially since you have to grind out money a lot. I guess you could let the girls get roles without trying to fuck them but where's the fun in that?
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game with an interesting concept. Has an acceptablelevel of grinding, even more if you compare it to other HTML games of the likes. The story really is interesting and the cast is quite good (even if Luna is the best girl by far). Hope it will stay like that!
    (Last played on v0.036)
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    O Captain My Captain

    (Last version played: 0.036)
    One of the best HTML games in the site. Very well written, with an interesting concept and a very good story -maybe a little dark sometimes, but, hey, it's set in the dark side of Hollywood after all. The player can set the dificulty level. Very good selection of cast and gifs. It can be a little repetitive in some parts, but still it manages to be extremely entertaining and enjoyable.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Loved the story from the beginning and was ready to give it 5*. But after some updates I don't know, it just has become tedious for me to play it. For me it's too much grinding without getting anything different. But that's me, many here that begs to differ though. ;)
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Casting Director is an example of standard slice of life gameplay found in many HTML games. Fortunately, it has an interesting concept, lots of events and things to do, promising corruption, and the dev has good taste in porn. That puts it a solid step above a lot of its competition.

    It's a little grindy, but not mind destroyingly so. Most of that grind should disappear after a few more updates. I'm looking forward to seeing if playing like a scumbag can eventually punish the player.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great potential, makes you feel like a real sleazy piece of shit. Only complaints are that notoriety seems like a missed opportunity, perhaps having it high could lead to something? Aside from only a few hours of content, great game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite HTML's being developed right now.

    -Smooth UI
    -Your choice of difficulty
    -The grind that every HTML has doesn't feel like a chore (I don't know why people create games that make it feel like a slog. That's like, not the point of any of this).
    -The writing is pretty darn good and there's a pretty good amount of content available right now.

    I'm definitely looking forward to where else this game goes. Big recommend.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic game for an HTML build. The progression through the game has a steady flow, the rewards are worth the effort, and there is plenty of variety to keep you hooked. I liked how the main characters have enough personalities and progression to keep you interested, and then there are the miscellaneous scenes in the casting job that keep the sexual levels high.
    I look forward to seeing more content as my playthrough reached the end of the available content and I was left wanting more!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As other reviewers have said, this is probably one of the best real porn HTML games on the site. It has a clean UI that is simple and easy to navigate. Its gameplay loop is engaging but not too grindy (especially depending on what difficulty you choose). The choice of pornstars to play characters is good and the pics and vids are good as well, well chosen for the context of the given scene.

    The standout part of the game for me was the writing. The characters are well developed and believable. The story is engaging and the humor is on point. I have actually burst out laughing several times. I look forward to seeing what will happen to these characters, and that is a sign of a well written story.

    The developer seems like a good guy, very active in the community here and on his Patreon and Discord. The game gets pretty regular updates and it seems like the dev is committed to finishing it.

    -UI is clean and easy to navigate
    -Choice of porn pics and videos is good and matches content of what's happening in the scene
    -Excellent writing, character development, and humor
    -Active and committed developer
    -Regular game updates

    This game is very good and you should play it, review it, and/or support its development.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Having a load of fun and cant wait for more builds to continue the story. I find the different dynamics available interesting and like that you can close off routes with characters that you do not want to be purvey with and multiple ways to take others.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well put together game with fun writing. Reminds me of games like Corruption of Champions and Trials in Tainted Space but with porn actress content and better presentation. Can be a bit grindy without cheats and some details on what to do next can be vague but nothing unforgiveable. I appreciate how fast the developer's been adding new content too.
    I look forward to future updates!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A great HTML game. A lot of the HTML games that grab my attention almost instantly drop it with the insane amount of grind you need to advance through the story. This game is different.
    From the beginning you can choose a difficulty so if you love grinding you can but if you want to play the game in a more relaxed way but still keep the essence of the game you can too ( which I took)
    Also you don't have to wait an eternity for things to spice up. The action picks up pretty quickly and the situation evolves pretty quickly and there is a lot of different places where action takes place. So unless you're at the end of an update you'll never really be bored
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I do not often write reviews, but this game and this dev deserve it.
    I am writing this after my second play through, the first one being a far earlier version. I liked the early play through but there was just not enough content to be sure. Now though, the game grew very well, with a lot more content, well chosen pictures and gifs, great writing and an active dev who actually regularly updates and talks to the community. This game became a favorite of mine, try it out, I am certain that if you like the premise you will like the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I was not expecting to like this game, but it's actually really quite good. The writing is well done and there's an acceptable amount of content as of .032.

    I didn't think I'd like it because I expected that the MC would end up being an absolute ass. Turns out, he can be an okay guy with a somewhat skewed moral compass. I'm not a big fan of revenge tales(and that's partially what this is), but there's adequate reason for the MC to be mad at his chosen target.

    Overall, I liked the main love interest, I liked the side pieces, and I liked the fact that you don't actually have to rape anyone. Good game.