HTML - Abandoned - Casting Director [v0.041 Alpha] [Old Dirty Dog]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games on here. It's well written with really engaging characters and dialogue.

    This was my second playthrough, after really enjoying my first playthrough much earlier in the build and it's only gotten better. In something that I feel should be standard, but doesn't seem to be, the dev actually pays attention to what's happening in the media he uses for the sex scenes and writes the transitions into the scene, making the gifs and pictures feel much more like they're actually from the story being told. The story is lighthearted and fun. Even the money grind and stats in the game are fun to play. The whole thing is a win. Use your time wisely and give it a shot. Obviously, the game is not complete yet, so many storylines are currently left hanging. Just be aware of that and think about supporting the dev if you enjoy and have the means so more can be made faster!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great gem this is ! "Sandbox done right" is probably the best way to describe it.

    While's there's a grinding loop component, it's actually enjoyable thanks to both randomized scenes/pictures (helping with the tedium) and a quick setting to decide how much of those you want.

    Next to this gameplay loop lie a genuinely interesting story, charismatic and well-written characters (on this note : the intro to "the enemy" was spectacular, in just a few pages she indeed was "the nemesis that should be taken down"). Of course this all comes with large helpings of, shall we say, pretty and open-minded women ?

    Choices aren't too meaningful, in a good way : you're rarely locked out of content (yet), while still being able to customize some relationships ("Hey Daddy <3" vs "Yes, Master." for instance)

    Still, one of the few games here I'd probably play to the end even without all the sexytimes. Not that there's an incentive to, as the game clearly puts little to no pressure on the player (no "fail choice", no stat erosion, etc).

    I also need to mention that although the girls are gorgeous (I mean, Cadey Mercury : enough said !!), Luna effortlessly steals the show :)

    On the technical side, also a large success. Game is very responsive, far more so that almost any other Sugarcube/Twine game. UI is clean and easy to use. Picture and video compressions are excellent as well, content is far more extensive than the small size suggested.

    Bottom line : try the game. Enjoy the game. Support the dev. Enjoy the game some more.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with an engaging story, interesting characters and really takes the trope of "Dirty director" to it's tee. The genre and the devs writing meshes well and makes for a truly pleasant experience. The only downside is that there's not a whole lot of content right now but patience is a virtue!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Leaving a review to help boost the profile of this game! The creator is very responsive and helpful, I hope he reaches his Patreon goals.

    The game itself is one of the best HTML games I've played. It is still relatively new and lacking in content compared to something like College Daze, but I think it is already fun to play and has a load of potential. The gameplay loop as a casting director is fun, and lends itself well to a porn game. The perk system and attribute system are also well designed and feel rather unique, so I'm excited to see how they end up being fleshed out. The writing is engaging, and this is one of the few games where I actually read the dialogue rather than skipping straight to the porn haha.

    Well done!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I would summarize Casting Director as a high quality "exploiter" game. The main character does not simply demonstrate dominance in sight of pussy. Instead, he schemes in consideration of his business or the womens' vulnerabilities. There may be grinding or stat balancing issues but they didn't bother me and I really couldn't care less about them.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This and Wife Trainer are probably the best Real Porn games on this site and this is probably the best in the HTML engine.

    The idea behind the game is fun and engaging, as is the gameplay loop, because it isn't grindy. You can have fun, explore the options the game presents to you and make decisions. One thing i loved is that the game don't just force things on you (this is a sin commited in a lot of html games, looking at you "The Company", forcing my character to have boobs), and without a lot of the weird shit that some like to include.

    The main girls are also really good picks, both the actress and the character they are portraying. Using some of the most recognizable and popular porn stars make the possibilities of sex scenes and situations really interesting, since they all have a lot of movies, photos and gifs to use ideas and possibilities.

    I'm actually interested in how the relationships will develop and also the storyline, hope the choices really do influence the course of the game and how the girls develop as characters and maybe the only thing is that at the moment, there's only 4 main girls, maybe including two more would be a good idea. Anyway, great game that everyone should give a chance.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.028 alpha]

    "This game really makes you feel like a sleezy hollywood executive."

    Ok, jokes aside, this game is rather good. The writing is quite excellent, and there is a decent mix of story characters to deal with with different power dynamics at play. It runs with the notion of hollywood being a giant cesspool of corruption and sexual harassment and enables you to exploit the women you come across. However, you can actually play a straight shooter who stays true to his real love interest and girlfriend if that's your thing. The world is a slightly more embellished and horrible version of hollywood. We all know how rampant corruption is in this industry, so it does stay within the realm of possibility, which makes it that much better.

    The workplace harassment of aspiring starlets are done with random pics and gifs that don't always stay consistent. These are mostly just a little extra to make the grind not as monotonous. It's better than nothing, but i doubt anyone would be impressed by no dialogue scenes made to grind stats. That's fine. This is an HTML game with life sim elements, so some grind is to be expected. I really don't like grind, but it didn't feel overly annoying and it did stretch out the content in a more natural way as the story events are placed at various thresholds of stats. So overall, the gameplay loop isn't really that bad. It's not fun, per se, but it gets the job done.

    The actual story quests and non repeating events with the named girls are just great. The scenes are quite good with gifs that stay consistent for the chosen actress. Great job.

    If anyone pays attention to my reviews, I just want to point out that I don't mean a game is perfect by giving it a 5*. I base it entirely on the description of the stars. 5* meaning "excellent." I thoroughly enjoyed this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    this is far the best HTML game on here. It has a amazing and kinky kind of Harvey Weinstein story haha and the girls are really well used.

    just wished it was more girls with story.. but that a minor critic.

    if you haven't played it yet do it, you will not be disappointed
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This probably the best fucking game on this website, maybe ever.
    Don't really like the weekly updates, but I can forgive it giving how good this game is.

    Get it now, you won't regret it at all.
    I literally replay this game from the start every time I re-install it when a new update come out, it's that good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game - honestly this should be the gold standard for any html real porn game. The good games in this genre are few and far between, but when they hit right they really do. Can't wait for future updates!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably my favorite real porn game on here. Reasonably engaging compared to a lot of the other games on here. It's also not super grindy. Great model selection as well. Does anyone know the name of the girl in the porn game cycle with the tail butt plug?
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't really like HTML games but this one is really immersive and fun. You may think that the game is really grindy but one you find a balance the first weeks it get better and even more fun. Please if you can support the developer of this game, it truly deserves more recognition.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a fun adventure and uses a setting I've not seen a lot of games take part in. It's put together really well and updated fairly frequently. It doesn't feel overly grindy but isn't overly simple either. I am always looking for this one to be on the recent updates list, and excited when I see it there.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont really leave reviews for game but I just had to because this is definitely my favorite HTML game here.
    The writing, pacing and gameplay are top notch and the game just keeps leaving you with a taste for more.

    I'm gonna be following this game for sure.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, good story. I don't see any problem in this game. Waiting for new updates!

    Maybe more girls and side story with no correlation with the first part make it more good, and I want to see more interaction in the sex part.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Bix Lewd

    This game stands head and shoulders above the other HTML games currently on F95. Personally, I hate reading text in porn games. BORING! However there are several reasons why I ended up being absorbed by this game's narrative:
    • Writing is concise and grammatically correct. Every word is there for a reason.
    • Great pacing, you can have sex every 4 or 5 mouse clicks but it never feels gratuitous or nonsensical.
    • Meaningful choices, not just good guy/bad guy, but more like, 'how do I play this scenario to the greatest benefit?' Outcomes always match expectations.
    • Patient world-building. This writer obviously lives in LA and he does a great job fleshing out a vibrant ecosystem of con artists and bottom feeders for the player to toy with.
    • Every character has their own voice. This is why you play a game with real porn instead of just watching real porn. I would never jerk off to Riley Reid on pornhub, but here I am doing so profusely because I care about the character she's portraying.
    As of 0.024 there is plenty of content for a first playthrough, give it a shot
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of stat grinding which can get quite repetitive but at the moment this has all the fundamentals for an amazing game. The usage of gifs and images is done well. The basic plot is decent and the writing is quite funny at parts.

    Excited to see where the story goes. Hope to see a bit more variety in the casting scenes and maybe even less grinding but even still, the game is really enjoyable.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games on this website that I play every time there's a new release.
    Dev is super active in the community, and updates are often and always have quite a bit of content.
    I'm not usually one for management type games, but the easy to understand systems, and that the game never throws too much at you, make this one of my favorite games.
    As for the porn, I think it's easy to find, has good writing, and the scenes are multi-page, and include alternate scenes within them. They're also all replayable, which is nice and very rare in HTML games.

    Alll in All: 10/10. Good shit Old Dirty Dog!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    An amusing game with a heart, this is clearly a passion project for the dev. Although still early in development (0.018), I feel like the project is well enough along already that it merits comment.

    The central conceit is that our narrator is scrambling his way up in the LA movie business and trying to get laid by any possible friends and coworkers in the process. A couple of stats -- cash, charisma, rep, style, etc. unlock opportunities.

    The writing is pretty good, the story has better character development and stronger narrative beats than most, the media is generally pretty good and model selection adds depth to several of the main characters (Cadey Mercury inspired some image-reverse Googling), but the mechanics are pretty grindy.

    The coercion aspect is handled oddly in the narrative: sometimes its ok for you to rape a starlet (or her mom), but sometimes it's bad for someone else to rape an ingenue bc of reasons. My sense is that the author originally may have planned to write about a ruthless MC, but then ended up with a more amiable MC as they added narrative threads and orphaned the original rape-the-starlets theme. It may be worth trying to make the narrative stance here more consistent with the MC's other actions.

    The downside is that the grind and repeated scenes are even _more_ boring on the 2nd play through. The irony of watching the same police car clip dozens of times at the repeated movie event in order to unlock a perk so I don't have to do the repeated casting event as much was apparently lost on the dev.

    Overall, a clean, promising new entry into the Twine-iverse of NSFW IF. Hopefully the dev will continue nurturing this nice start.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    great narration , well thoughts background story and the character of the MC, really interesting ideas thrown at the plot and at the every aspect of the game, you can actually see efforts by the developer to make everything interesting, and there is a casual mode if you into that kinda thing, will definitely watch this one closely, good stuff!