Fair enough. Though I have to say, any green dev shouldn't expect to be rolling in money on their first title. Takes time to build a loyal consumer base.
My guy was doing it as a hobby-kind of thing, started working on it more (full-time?) when money from patreon came. Even then, updates were slow as he is/was not experienced/comfortable with either writing (talked about troubles to write casual, slice of life scenes), nor coding.
The game has also a big design issue, where the whole censor theme makes most paths weird to progress, or weird to design.
Also, ukrainian war. Dev is russian, so he stopped getting money from patreon if I remember correctly, which forced him to find a different job.
I believe he's still working on it (?), but making a game is a big project, and as with all big projects, life just tends to get in the way. Don't get me wrong, I think there's a good chance another update will never come. However, saying that money is the reason why people start and stop projects it's just so fucking shortsighted it's infuriating. I understand it seems like it often, I do. I just hope we can also understand where they come from.
Most people who do projects like these games are doing it out of the same reason why you and me have started our unfinished projects. Had an idea, thought it would be cool or fun, started it, life happens, don't persevere. Happens all the time.