Chicks with Dicks... what's it all about?

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Aug 21, 2017
Dunno bout these people but for me the fantasy of a futa never involves myself in the picture. It's always a futa having sex with another futa or a normal female. I have no interest in the male form as far as sex is concerned and the idea of a strap on is too "fake" for me. As far as I'm concerned if you like watching another guy fuck a woman then that's more gay than watching a female with a dick fuck a female. Just my opinion though and my be the exception. I don't interact with other people as far as talking about my sexual fantasies so I dunno what the "average" futa enthusiast likes and fantasizes about.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I missed the post @anne O'nymous replied to about sissification. And holy fuck that's a can of worms. Like, do you other guy's in this thread not realise that stimulation of the prostate which is done anally, is essentially like stimulating a male G-spot? Is there something gay about your body's biological functions including a G-spot up your ass? Sure you might be able to call it gay if it was a unique genetic mutation they only gay men have, but it's not. We all have a prostate that can be stimulated anally.

Enjoying anal sex isn't gay. However denying yourself pleasure because of a fear of being perceived as gay is tantamount to homophobia. Stop worrying how other people think about you and start having sex.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
some wrote its like a girl with a strap-on, a fantasy to have sex with 2 girls. well... its not.
Excuse-me, but what kind of omniscient deity are you to know what is or not a fantasy ?
It's not one of your fantasy, alright, but it doesn't mean that it's not at all a fantasy. There's as many fantasies than there's human being on Earth. Just because even when two persons share the same generic fantasy, they don't do it for the same reason, for the same purpose, and they don't live it and feel it in the same way.
Neither you nor I can say what isn't a fantasy. We can talk about ourselves and, eventually people we know. We can say that "this" is a fantasy, because it's one of our fantasy, or the fantasy of someone we know. But we can't talk for the 7 billions human being on Earth, the billions who lived before and the billions who'll live in the future, stating that "this" isn't a fantasy. The fact that you don't like a thing doesn't mean that it can't be liked by others, and it also apply to fantasies.

Human history is full of weird fantasies. There's stories of people masturbating during public executions. There's a time were bisexuality was a norm. Incest was frequent during middle age and was sometimes the norm during antiquity. There's registered cases of cannibalism as sexual acts. There's proof of all kind of fantasies during antiquity, from the simple use of sex toys (the first sex toy discovered was created in Paleolithic so...) to complicated BDSM tortures.
In China, there's this thing about girls with small feet. It started as an imperial caprice, became a sexual deviancy and ended as a tradition still mixed with a part of sexual fantasy. At one time, during Spain history if my memory don't betray me, girls had their torso tightly tied once they reached puberty, because at this time there was a shared fantasy about girls with really small boobs. I can also talk about corsets, which regain some popularity, and the obvious fantasy about oversized hourglass female body. In fact, I can talk about a lot of things, because there's no limits to human imagination, and so to human fantasies, sexual ones included.
So, sorry but no, there no such thing as "not a fantasy". Everything can be, was, is and will be a fantasy. If the human brain can conceive it, then it's a fantasy for at least one person on Earth. Right now, there's at least one person on Earth who've for fantasy to have sex with a four eyed purple alien girl with two vagina and only one boob. I know it, we were in school together. It's a weird looking fantasy, but who am I to judge it ?
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Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
nobody is saying its not a fantasy or that you can't like it.
but you can't change the fact that a girl with a cock is not a girl anymore, a girl + strap-on is not a girl with a cock. to have a fantasy to have sex with 2 girls, while one of the girl put on a strap-on to "help" fucking the other girl, is not the same to have sex with 1 girl and 1 cockgirl. thats facts. you can of course have all the fantasies you want and believe its a girl, but anatomically its a girl with a cock. and growing up with a working cock that (as cockgirls enjoys using their cocks) make them not a girl anymore, but something else. that for me is the same as having sex with a dude that grow a pair of tits. its not a about gay. gay is normal and i don't have anything against that, but we are not talking about that, we are talking about a dude or girl with tits and cock.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
that for me is the same as having sex with a dude that grow a pair of tits. its not a about gay. gay is normal and i don't have anything against that, but we are not talking about that, we are talking about a dude or girl with tits and cock.
No. We aren't talking about this. Perhaps are you, but what I said, and that you deny, is :
What attract me at first with futa is [their] female attributes. And it's probably the same for straight men who aren't against pegging and like futa ; they are just girls with a living strap-on.
And the fact is that futa, which is the short form for "futanari" ("dual form") are neither dude, nor girl with tits and cock. "Futanari" is the Japanese word for hermaphrodite. So they are human being born with the sexual attributes of both sex. Yes, they have tits and a cock, but they also have a vagina and generally no visible testicles.

Technically you are right, they aren't girl since their sex, as well as their birth gender, is "hermaphrodite". But, because of the hormone mix, it's exceptional that the dominant gender is male ; and in both hentai and games, they never are. This mean that they look like girls, and here I don't talk about their boobs. No, I talk about their less dense hairiness, their facial traits, their wider pelvis, their smaller hands, their voice, and more globally their outline. This as well as their personality and character ; as much as those two traits can be defined as "male" and "female", so it's relatively speaking.
It's only on top of all this, that you add the fact that they have boobs and a vagina, which are the sexual attributes of a girl. And finally add the only thing which isn't "girl", the fact they have what seem like a penis instead of a clitoris. So yes, even if personally you see them otherwise than girl with a living strap-on, it's, both technically and anatomically, what they are. Especially since few have real visible testicles, even less have a fully functional penis (able of ejaculation), and yet even less have a penis-looking penis.

And that doesn't even begin to get into you deciding its abnormal to be with someone of the nonbinary spectrum... Wow... just go away if you don't like it but don't you dare tell people what is or isn't normal you fuck.
Cool down. The debate is too passionate and saying that, he tried to avoid this kind of answer. It's difficult since most of the people who said that it's gay seem to have said it in an homophobic way. So, like he was going against people stating that it's not gay, he felt the need to specify that it's not because of a supposed homophobia. Perhaps he did it awkwardly, but he clearly don't had bad intent.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Cool down. The debate is too passionate and saying that, he tried to avoid this kind of answer. It's difficult since most of the people who said that it's gay seem to have said it in an homophobic way. So, like he was going against people stating that it's not gay, he felt the need to specify that it's not because of a supposed homophobia. Perhaps he did it awkwardly, but he clearly don't had bad intent.
I take people by their words. Words are important to me as a writer, they are the way you convey your meaning.

gay is normal and i don't have anything against that, but we are not talking about that, we are talking about a dude or girl with tits and cock.
Here he makes a distinction between gay and futa, calling gay normal and saying that he has nothing against it. The but which follows that statement separates nonbinary partners from the traditional gay relationships he just defined as normal and not something he has a problem with. The only way to read that is as him implying he doesn't find nonbinary relationships normal and taht he is against them.

If that's not his intent then it is upon him to correct himself. I am not civil with intolerance. I never will be.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Technically attraction to any non-binary partners would make a person pansexual, not gay. Though, with futa it can be argued, that they, at least they way the are portrayed in anime and games, don't even exist in the real world. So there may not even be a correct word to describe attraction to them.

When it comes to porn, I also think, it largely depends on context. Futa + female is not the same as futa + futa, is not the same as futa + male.

Being gay is defined by being attracted to the male body, not necessarily to anal sex. There are submissive straight men, who somehow seem to like when a domina fucks them with a strap-on. On the other hand there are gay men who like getting blowjobs from other men but who would never let anyone fuck their ass.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I take people by their words. Words are important to me as a writer, they are the way you convey your meaning.
Is US English his natural language ? It's probably easier for me to remember (still I fail sometimes) that it's not as easy as it seem to act this way on an international site, because a lot of things can be lost in translation. Even English isn't an unique language and sometimes the same word don't have the exact same meaning, depending if the guy who wrote it is US citizen, British or Canadian, by example. To this you need to add the cultural influence over the phrasing ; reading a French Canadian saying to someone to go fuck himself, in a sentence full of apologize is wonderful ;)
All this to say that you perhaps should try to give less importance on the words themselves here.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Is US English his natural language ? It's probably easier for me to remember (still I fail sometimes) that it's not as easy as it seem to act this way on an international site, because a lot of things can be lost in translation. Even English isn't an unique language and sometimes the same word don't have the exact same meaning, depending if the guy who wrote it is US citizen, British or Canadian, by example. To this you need to add the cultural influence over the phrasing ; reading a French Canadian saying to someone to go fuck himself, in a sentence full of apologize is wonderful ;)
All this to say that you perhaps should try to give less importance on the words themselves here.
As a native German speaker, I can confirm, that least in a discussion about gender indentiy and orientation, a person's native language does indeed matter to some point. E.g. in German we don't have a distinction between sex and gender. The German word "Geschlecht" is used for both. This is also the reason gender studies has a rather bad reputation in Germany and Austria: Some of their theories sound utterly ridiculous when translated into German.

This is not to say, having a different native language is a universal excuse, of course people can and should learn which wordings are acceptable on international media. But different native languages are ideed a source for misunderstandings.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Is US English his natural language ? It's probably easier for me to remember (still I fail sometimes) that it's not as easy as it seem to act this way on an international site, because a lot of things can be lost in translation. Even English isn't an unique language and sometimes the same word don't have the exact same meaning, depending if the guy who wrote it is US citizen, British or Canadian, by example. To this you need to add the cultural influence over the phrasing ; reading a French Canadian saying to someone to go fuck himself, in a sentence full of apologize is wonderful ;)
All this to say that you perhaps should try to give less importance on the words themselves here.
Again its incumbent on him to correct if that wasn't his intent. I'm not unreasonable, he could come and apologize for his poor wording and clarify his meaning, but until he does, I hold him to what was said.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
a futa is not a she. its something else. and its fantasy. also, the OP is not talking about just futa, but chicks with dicks, that includes shemales/dickgirls.
also, this thread is not about: "we love chicks with dicks, if you don't fuck off", this is a discussion thread, some will like it some will not. if you can't discuss with someone that don't agree with you, then you got a problem not me.

gay is attraction to same sex, straight to the other sex, bi to both.
a cockgirl is both, a futa is a bit more complicated, but we could say its almost "bi".
to say that a straight dude enjoy a cockgirl is very odd.
a straight dude enjoy a futa, its still borderline, but i can agree that the feminine side helps weight it down, but still, theres a cock to consider and eventually you will get to the point the futa want the cock to be stimulated what then?
a cockgirl (that usually in the fantasy have a 100% working cock and usually "huge") would also want it to be stimulated, why is it there at all? if you have a relationship with a cockgirl what then? you just ignore the cock? thats true love right to ignore the cockgirl pleasure.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
a futa is not a she. its something else. and its fantasy. also, the OP is not talking about just futa, but chicks with dicks, that includes shemales/dickgirls.
also, this thread is not about: "we love chicks with dicks, if you don't fuck off", this is a discussion thread, some will like it some will not. if you can't discuss with someone that don't agree with you, then you got a problem not me.

gay is attraction to same sex, straight to the other sex, bi to both.
a cockgirl is both, a futa is a bit more complicated, but we could say its almost "bi".
to say that a straight dude enjoy a cockgirl is very odd.
a straight dude enjoy a futa, its still borderline, but i can agree that the feminine side helps weight it down, but still, theres a cock to consider and eventually you will get to the point the futa want the cock to be stimulated what then?
a cockgirl (that usually in the fantasy have a 100% working cock and usually "huge") would also want it to be stimulated, why is it there at all? if you have a relationship with a cockgirl what then? you just ignore the cock? thats true love right to ignore the cockgirl pleasure.
We can discuss all day with disagreement, that's not what you did. You defined nonbinary relationships, as something that you aren't ok with and not normal. That's the point on which I told you that if you can't handle it to get out.

To your question in the end, it's a nonissue for me because I readily admit to being a pansexual. However, if I was a straight man who fell in love with a girl who turned out to have a functioning penis, it would be my pleasure to make sure it got the attention it deserves. I might not be comfortable with sucking it if I was straight, but I've already added a diatribe here about anal stimulation not being gay. If she wanted to fuck my ass then I'd let her. Its that simple. Love isn't something that you can fit into a perfect socially acceptable box. The sooner people realize this the sooner they'll all live happier lives.

Oh, and to be clear, if a Hermaphrodite (by the way, the real futa) wants to identify as a she, she can identify as a fucking she, all right?


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
no, futa doesn't exists. its a generic disorder and only one genital work properly. of course hermaphrodites exists, like people with down syndrome and dwarfism, you can have a tail, two heads, whatever.
futa is a fantasy, please read japanese folklore if you are unaware of it. and like anything else, humans like to take it to the next step, and if not possible we imagine it, write about it, draw and create games.
just because you are obsessed about it, doesn't mean its real. a futa doesn't exists that is why "the futa" can't do anything, she/he can't identify anything. of course a intersex person can do whatever he/she wants. but that person is not a futa or a chick with a cock. a trans-person can identify him/herself, a shemale can identify him/herself. but we are talking about a intersex person with 100% working gonadal for both eggs and sperms, that can get an erection and can get impregnated. and its a fantasy.
this thread is not about a intersex person, history, medicine, society, etc. no, the OP asks about the "trend" where we have games and manga about a chick with dicks, and why many people seems to enjoy that kind of fetish. i would be very upset if we would be treating real intersex person like a sex object, a fantasy. they have it hard already in this world, as humans can't accept them for what they are. but they are NOT futa.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
no, futa doesn't exists. its a generic disorder and only one genital work properly. of course hermaphrodites exists, like people with down syndrome and dwarfism, you can have a tail, two heads, whatever.
A genetic chimera could have both functioning parts. However, for a girl to be a functional futa all she'd need is the prostate and the penis on top of her functioning female genetalia. You don't need sperm, just semen.

Dude, there was a discussion in this fucking thread about one who could literally cum and everything who did porn for a while. Do you always argue from a place of blind ingorance? If so that might explain your bigoted attitude thus far.

And finally, we get to this

i would be very upset if we would be treating real intersex person like a sex object, a fantasy. they have it hard already in this world, as humans can't accept them for what they are. but they are NOT futa.
First, considering the slanderous shit you've said, I find this hard to believe, however, once again you argue from a place of ignorance because we already covered this.

I would feel so awkward in that situation. I definitely find it doesn't make me less aroused, but I wouldn't want my partner to feel like they were just a fetish for me either... Still, on the other hand I'd love to be the guy who made her feel accepted.
No one is looking to take advantage of or fetishize a real person here. We are simply discussing the topic. Of all the people here you have no right to judge how a person might enjoy an interaction with a hermaprhodite. To me, it would be no different than looking for a girl who has the right size tits or ass as you like, or maybe cute feet, if that's your thing. Is it right to fetishize it? No, but if you can get it and you're into it, is it wrong? Fuck no.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
do research and you will find that no true hermaphrodite exists ( )

you are avoiding my argument, that we are talking about the "futa" fetish, in which a true hermaphrodite exists. thats the question in this thread, not about intersex persons and their gender identity, disorder, social issues etc.

so, i do not want to talk about intersex, shemales, trans-persons, as they are not what the OP is referring to. what i want to discuss is FUTA, the "fantasy". yes, its borderline. theres humans that are "almost" FUTA, but very rare, but still just "almost".

now, going back to the FUTA, for me its both male and female. meaning, its 50-50. they "enhance" the female part a lot, big boobs or nice feminine face a loli, great butt, etc, but also the masculine part, a big hard cock. thats the "fantasy" here, to create something "perfect" that is "both" male and female, for the "male reader" of course.

the OP question is, what is this about, why do people like that. and I answer it.
but you didn't like it and started to get personal and all that. but i will never agree with you just because you are a bully. and i will never go away because you try to kick me out. you can think and believe what you want, if you like FUTA, fine, but don't try to make everyone think and feel like you.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
do research and you will find that no true hermaphrodite exists ( )

you are avoiding my argument, that we are talking about the "futa" fetish, in which a true hermaphrodite exists. thats the question in this thread, not about intersex persons and their gender identity, disorder, social issues etc.

so, i do not want to talk about intersex, shemales, trans-persons, as they are not what the OP is referring to. what i want to discuss is FUTA, the "fantasy". yes, its borderline. theres humans that are "almost" FUTA, but very rare, but still just "almost".

now, going back to the FUTA, for me its both male and female. meaning, its 50-50. they "enhance" the female part a lot, big boobs or nice feminine face a loli, great butt, etc, but also the masculine part, a big hard cock. thats the "fantasy" here, to create something "perfect" that is "both" male and female, for the "male reader" of course.

the OP question is, what is this about, why do people like that. and I answer it.
but you didn't like it and started to get personal and all that. but i will never agree with you just because you are a bully. and i will never go away because you try to kick me out. you can think and believe what you want, if you like FUTA, fine, but don't try to make everyone think and feel like you.


I'm curious, what's the motivation for people who read or play VN or Games with Chicks with Dicks?

I'm not trying to bash anyone, I'm just trying to understand. Does it appeal to gay men or lesbians? Do straight people enjoy chicks with dicks? Is it a secret desire to have sex with a man with boobs or a woman with a cock? What do you think?
That's the question in this thread. And if we are being real here, you, who doesn't like Futa, or dick girls, can't answer the question of this thread, so why are you here?

As for me being a bully, that's funny, I don't recall making exclusionary remarks about people who enjoy one fetish or another. I don't recall telling you that you have to enjoy futa. I don't recall telling you that you're abnormal. I do recall you doing all of these things. Telling me that gay is normal and you're ok with that but that gay isn't what we are talking about. I do recall you, on several occasions straight up calling people who enjoy futa gay as a derogatory term. Who's the fucking bully? Me? Go cry to the mods, we'll see who they side with.

You don't have to enjoy futa. Its not something I care about. But you do have to accept that the world isn't going to agree with your view and that as long as we aren't hurting anyone, its none of your fucking business what we like. So again, if you have nothing constructive leave us alone. By remaining here and being destructive you are a bully. That's not silly retort with no meaning to hide my own actions behind. Unlike you I'm proud of my convictions and more that willing to speak out. You however keep hiding behind double speak and trying to cast shame on people for liking something you don't agree with.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
its pointless to discuss. you seems to be stuck in a loop.
this thread is not a "homey" place for you to chill and share happiness with people identical like you. its a discussion thread with different opinions. but you seems to be a troll that just want to argue for the sake of that. you do not answer me at all, you just twist my words around to make a point like the most important thing is to win the argument not to understand the context. so this is my last reply, no matter what you answer.

just because you like FUTA it doesn't mean only your thoughts are allowed.
its like saying only pedophiles have rights to talk about whats is right or not about sex with minors, because if you don't like sex with children you can't discuss about it.....
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
its pointless to discuss. you seems to be stuck in a loop.
this thread is not a "homey" place for you to chill and share happiness with people identical like you. its a discussion thread with different opinions. but you seems to be a troll that just want to argue for the sake of that. you do not answer me at all, you just twist my words around to make a point like the most important thing is to win the argument not to understand the context. so this is my last reply, no matter what you answer.

just because you like FUTA it doesn't mean only your thoughts are allowed.
its like saying only pedophiles have rights to talk about whats is right or not about sex with minors, because if you don't like sex with children you can't discuss about it.....
I'm twisting nothing, now you've just compared liking futa, to pedophilia. Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to people under the age of 12. This is objectively wrong and damaging. So are you telling me that liking chicks with dicks is objectively wrong and damaging? Because if you are, you prove my point once again you fucking bigot. This thread is about why people enjoy futa or chicks with dicks. If you don't enjoy futa or chicks with dicks, then you can't possibly fathom why someone would, as a result, you don't get an opinion on the matter, because you have no experience with it. Anything you say comes from a bigoted and ignorant position. Stop whining like you're being persecuted for having an opinion. Your opinion is toxic and has no place in this thread. Either take criticism and choose to be better, or get the fuck out.


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
I guess when it comes to getting any type of feedback on any topic around these parts, we cant be nice can we?

When voicing your opinion, lets not be a dick about it or take something on here seriously. If you feel something is going to cause you to be an asshole and write like this
our opinion is toxic and has no place in this thread. Either take criticism and choose to be better, or get the fuck out.
So are you telling me that liking chicks with dicks is objectively wrong and damaging? Because if you are, you prove my point once again you fucking bigot.
Then you have no need to reply. You are only adding to toxic behavior that has been growing on F95. If you cant be nice on how you present your opinion, then dont bother to reply.

But anyways, locked.
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