I guess you both saying the same thing right? The Alone/No LI "Victoria+Gloria" ending? If so there is some checks, yes enact victoria plan in chapter 7, from there never lock onto any LI path in chapter 12 and then again in the last chapter.
In chapter 14 make sure you give Katie the fluids in the choice Hold onto it/Give it to Katie (this is where the PDF WT and the multi mod got it wrong, they say to Hold onto it no idea why, I tried that way and Gloria rejects Victoria offer in chapter 15 giving the normal alone ending).
Also in chapter 15 before Gloria meets with Victoria make sure Gloria love points are less than 7 (plus enact Victoria plan and give the fluids to Katie) and the outcome is Gloria accepting Victoria offer, that and MC Depravity is 3 or higher and no LI path locked give you the "spellbound" alone ending and if Meredith is alive also unlocks the bonus Meredith scene (I guess she always is if Victoria is alive as well).
So to resume make those safe checks during the playthrough:
- Enact Victoria's plan in chapter 7.
- Don't lock/enter into any LI path (those choices are in chapter 12 and 15), do the alone path.
- Keep Gloria love points low (PDF WT says lower than 7, never checked the threshold, in that particular playthrough I had it low like 2 or 3).
- Make sure to collect some depravity points, at least 3 (the WT says it, I had way more in that playthrough so wasn't worried).
- Give the fluids to Katie in chapter 14 choosing the option "Give it to Katie"
- If those conditions are met Gloria accepts Victoria offer in the final chapter and unlocks the Ending I guess you both are speaking about.
- When the ending finishes unlocks the Victoria+Gloria+Meredith bonus scene. PDF WT says if Meredith is alive but she should if Victoria is alive.
Someone feel free to correct me or explain it better. All the other 5 endings are almost straightforward (1 for each LI and the Alone/No LI ending). Also there is no way I would get this ending without a Walkthrough (written or mod), the conditions are too specific for anyone to reach it with purpose (even with WT guide it was an headache to get for me) so I guess it makes this the "Secret game ending" lol