Jury is still out on this one, but I can say that Breeding Season was a recipe for failure for a long time coming. HBomb at one point had a complete game framework that just needed some story added to it, but then decided to revamp the entire thing from the ground up. That is fine in of itself, but from that point on I never saw any real direction from the project.
The game I wanted to play was a complete version with updated graphics (or not even that, just a complete game w/ a story would be fine). What the team made instead was a series of animations hodge-podged together into an eternal alpha game. That game needed so much work that had nothing to do with the art.
I don't really favor or blame either HBomb or Spurple, nobody will really know what went down outside their team (nor does it matter that much). What I do know is that as a game developer, the team behind Breeding Season's recent efforts did less work towards completing a game in years than HBomb did in months with the initial versions. I'm actually happy BS ended and a game with a direction now has a chance to be made, rather than BS continuing to rob people of money and show less than the bare minimum for it.
The only regrettable thing is that HBomb and the rest of the crew gave up instead of picking themselves back up and competing against their former artist. This tells me that they knew their project was failing and they'd rather quit while they were (WAY) ahead more than they had aptitude and desire to deliver on their promise. A real game developer would find a new artist and learn from their mistakes. They know they have an audience, they just don't care to try to appease it -- and in my opinion, they haven't cared much for a long time judging from the quality of their releases.