Beautiful game , love the pixel art , the animations and all , it would really make a nice sand box
one that would keep you hooked if it wasnt for the following happening afew days after the wizard's quest
-monsters on your farm disappearing never to be seen again no matter what you do
-Time stopping or freezing ,you would have to go to bed to pass time buts after that , its the same story so you have to keep on going to bed just to pass time just so your plants can grow
-The incubator stops working , i got the hot room upgrade and nothing is working , i have eggs seating in there for days and nothing . i had to start from the beginning several time because of this issue and the monster disappearing issue.
-your character starts getting stuck on platform since they cant jump over to the next 1 in dungeons. tried saving and loading saves just to avoid losing progress but , in the end , it never worked out .thats all the issues i encountered while playing this lovely game