
Nov 15, 2017
This is the post that finally made me cave and register here to deal with some of the absolute blatant misinformation being told. I shall no doubt regret this given the overall tone of this thread so far.


1) "Cloud Meadow Used to Make 50,000 USD!"
No, the above quote is not true. Graphtreon alone proves it false, but we can also show that cloud meadow, while it's had some dips, it has overall trended forward.
View attachment 422355
As you can see in August 2019 we had 21,886.08 USD in earnings. Does it LOOK like we ever had more than twice that value ever in the history of our project? No? Good. Glad you're keeping up.

The pledge value each month fluctuates because people dip in and out, but they pay their money upfront and then give it to us. I've fallen off on posting the monthly values of what we'd actually made each month, because there wasn't much point and it was getting low penetration acording to metrics on post views and such, but I might have to pick it up again so next time I can just link this and the history of our earnings. We track our milestones internally based on earnings, not on pledges, because while the pledged value changes based on people dumping some money in, and then jumping back out so they don't get hit with the fee at the beginning of the month, those folks tend to return, so we keep them consistently.

I saw someone complaining about how we 'promised a free release'. We never did any such thing (Any picture proof is either a case of misunderstanding, taking it out of context, or us being stupidly over optimistic in the early months of the project when me and S-Purple were trying to pull it all together in the first place after H-Bomb blew up). We promised -cheaper- releases than we have currently planned, and we sure as fuck promised a free release for everyone who ever pledged to us so much as a dime (and that money actually transferred), but never have we promised a full free release of the game ever.

Currently the plans on Steam Early Access are as follows.

1) Everybody who paid us so much as a dime on Patreon will be getting a free copy of the final game when we do the full launch.
2) Steam Early Access will be for people who want to get off the crazy buggy ride that is patreon. Updates will come slower, content will be less on the early access version and locked based on what's available in the story version of the game at that point in time. Codes will be unavailable, etc. In return you get super stable, small, optimized versions that update every time we finish fully debugging a section of the game story and push that out, and you get it for a one time cost rather than having to keep paying every month to keep up to date. It's a release valve for people who want off Mr.Bone's Wild Ride. We plan on releasing it for $15.00 at this stage.
3) $30.00 final sales price, due to a lot of things like the time and effort that have gone into it, the sales figures of games based on their pricing (games with prices below $25.00 USD tend to have significantly lower sales overall because price = quality in many a consumer's mind), and discussions among the team members who helped make it.

3) What the fuck is going on with their version numbers?!
On the version numbers, which I admit is entirely on us for making them obscure and nonintuative. First, go look at the very first tag on our Patreon Posts, which is "Game Builds", and see there's 233 game builds post at the time of me making this no doubt ill advised attempt to put down some of the misinformation being tossed around in here.

We had the alpha version waaaaay the hell back, and that was a simple thing, notice all builds are called Alpha vX or Beta vX. When we swapped to the Beta because we felt he game was SOMEWHAT stable and playable at that point and worthy of the title when we knew what the hell we wanted out of it, we reset the version numbers and started prefacing everything as Beta rather than Alpha.

The version numbering changed as well. When we made the swap to beta it went to a vA.B.C.De system.

A= This is the final version of the game, 1.0 when it happens.
B= This is the completed story arcs. There's 3 of them in the game planned, we've not gotten through any of them because we're busy on mechanics and such and animating the lewd scenes instead of necessary animations for story shit.
C= This is the parts of the story arc, in the 1st one there's 3 story arc parts, which basically run down as "mine boss" "ruined lab" and "poachers". It defines whichever one we're currently working on.
D= This number used to tick up once at the end of each month, now it ticks up any time we add a major new feature or a fully animated HD scene or something equally significant.
e= This letter represent hotfixes. Any time one goes in it's because we pushed a version with some rapid bug fixes, or some other minor changes that don't add an entirely new thing to the game.

I hope this explains to you guys what the hell is going on with the version numbering and how they function.

Now, in addition to this, we also have a percentage number and a pair of numbers in each build Right now it's something like 73% 2_15.

The 73% represents overall completion of all 15 progress bars. The 2_15 represents how many of those progress bars are at 100%. Together they SHOULD give you an idea of how complete the game is, which is to say "yeah we're almost done building the skeleton as we go but there's very little meat on these bones." We're currently working on the farm refactor and the dungeon fixes will come after that, and we've almost finished adding in all of the HD sex animations at this point.

4) They Don't have a sound designer!
I mean, yes. We do? His name is Lewd K and he's been working with us for something like 6 months now, where the hell do you think the sounds for the sex scenes came from? Combat sounds are currently slated to be added in as well over time, as well as various ambient and action noises we've already had made.
View attachment 422387
He's literally right there in our front page credits. And I know some of the people in this thread were complaining about us posting updates about combat animations rather than sex stuff so they couldn't have missed the sound pieces we put up for folks to see when Lewd K first joined us.

5) Whatever the hell this hot mess is

I'm sorry... I literally have no idea what you're smoking. H-Bomb buggered off and nobody's seen any sign of him since he took down that blog post where he slandered S-Purple. Further, our updates are getting faster and have been for a while now. Our updates used to be once a month and now we often release somewhere between 5 and 10 builds a months, or 2-4 non hotfix builds. I don't know what you're going on about in loss of patrons because that's also not true, as can be seen from the earnings reports above, and anybody who looks up Team Nimbus on Graphtreon.


I'll be around occasionally to answer any further questions about our policies or design choices, at least for anybody who has the decency to be polite about how they ask, though if you tl;dr this post and miss something? That's not my problem. I'm not going to try and justify our decisions on a lot of things, but I felt like this thread was too big a nexus point for a portion of the community observing us to not dip in with my own response on the issues being brought up, at least on the issues where people were either misinformed, outright lying to make us look bad (seriously guys, do you think we need help with that?), or had brought up something that was obscure and easy to misunderstand.
I have to thank you for coming here and explaning somethings, i did find it strange that a game that was making 50k a month had such a small team,so thank you for answering that doubt for me, but still, theres a question that i need answers to, on the first 4 months of development, you guys went from 0 to 10k+ dollars per month, I don't usually go around looking for old stories about this game or that game, I like to judge things like I see them, not for what happened to them before, so I really need to ask, how can a game that has been 3 years in the making, netting 10k+ dollars every month, not have a single story arc done or a battle system already complete and clean of bugs?? seriously, you guys cant even use the "people need more lewd content" excuse, I have worked with coding programs and games before so I now that some times, it can take months to find a single wrong character in the whole code, I have no idea with the art and sound parts, but seriously, 3 years??
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Judge Heath

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2019
I have to thank you for coming here and explaning somethings, i did find it strange that a game that was making 50k a month had such a small team,so thank you for answering that doubt for me, but still, theres a question that i need answers to, on the first 4 months of development, you guys went from 0 to 10k+ dollars per month, I don't usually go around looking for old stories about this game or that game, I like to judge things like I see them, not for what happened to them before, so I really need to ask, how can a game that has been 3 years in the making, netting 10k+ dollars every month, not have a single story arc done or a battle system already complete and clean of bugs?? seriously, you guys cant even use the "people need more lewd content" excuse, I have worked with coding programs and games before so I now that some times, it can take months to find a single wrong character in the whole code, I have no idea with the art and sound parts, but seriously, 3 years??
1) You realize that we started with literally no more than maybe 200 lines of code (this is being generous, when the game was first shown to me there was an unanimated Eve skating around brown circles with green and blue blobs around her, it was also done in ActionScript if I recall and Wilson, our first progammer demanded we switch to Unity, and since he was all we had that's what we did), 1 animation, and a outline map of cloverton plus some sketches of monsters and NPCs done in about 5 minutes a piece at the time that H-Bomb was informed of the test page of the patreon by someone and blew his stack? We had 2 weeks to put together SOMETHING and had promised a literal 'to the minute' deadline for uploading. I had to personally dragoon a friend IRL who was a photographer at Houston (or was it Dallas) A-Con to help and we stayed up the first night before the con and into the get the thing even a LITTLE playable for our first build. I stayed up and got him whatever he needed, he plugged out a few thousand lines of final code and debugging and then I uploaded it before he got a 2 hour nap in and went on to do stuff.

Most games, when they go to patreon, have a considerable amount more done, are doing it with prefabricated pieces (RPGmaker), or simpler mechanics (RenPy). They are not starting from literal scratch because you were busy carefully -not- doing anything more until the break was final (I had been brought onto the project about 1 week before and while S-Purple had already been given the ultimatum by the rest of the BS team that they were going and done and he was trying to figure out what to do next, and H-Bomb was still AWOL at this point in time, literally impossible to contact, as he had always been for the first 3 weeks of any month for the last 11 months, Spurple had made some minor stuff, and I told him to knock it off even if he had done it in his non-billed, personal hours, because optics). We had zilch. Our original plan had been to start serious work after the whole thing had been announced for both ethical and optics concerns, and then blitz something out for christmas. We expected to lose a lot more people, but have a considerably better game out of the gate. More time to plan and test. That didn't happen. Then we lost wilson, our first programmer, and more or less got some kid out of college, who was good but wasn't very good at future proofing.

2) We pay our people an actual living wage. I took $15.00/hr to a cap of $2500 a month, USD of course, every month, but everyone else was paid $3000.00 USD a month at $18.00/hr. To be clear, that's 166 2/3rds hours per month, total, just a smidge over 40 hours a week. Most groups don't do that, they split things evenly between the team members, where as we went out of our way to avoid hiring anybody until we had the budget for it. That was why until our income stabilized over 18k USD a month, we had the first two mile stones set at $3000 for a programmer, and $6000 to hire an animator too. We were lucky to reach those in the first month because it meant spurple wasn't drawing too heavily on his savings from what he'd been paid from Breeding Season.

That's why.

Yes, it's a lot more money than other projects get, we don't underpay our people. We also started from way the hell lower down on the totem pole in terms of resources than most games do when they push to Patreon. Most games are like 'hey, let's have a real prototype and have done at least 6 months of figuring out what we want, and some grey boxing, and shit' which we didn't get to do.

Full break down for fulltime contractors comes to a little over 20k right now, that's 2 programmers, 3 animators, me, and spurple. Ontop of that we have to pay for comissions of splash pages, writing by the word at standard rates, SFX, composer work, licensing fees for various programs because we're doing this all above the board, and I can go on if you like?

3) Finally. It has to be said that we know we're only going to get one real shot at actually releasing this game and it'll set the tone for what everyone else expects of us, first game as a team or not. A moderate amount of fucking up is to be expected from us, and will likely be tolerated. If we don't unfuck the grindy, unfun aspects of the game, which means implementing various systems we hadn't even considered when we first got into this, or redoing systems programmed in spaghetti code during the first 6 months of brutal 'please, it wasn't us that are the bastards in this story' crunch time, then we're never going to ever recover from it.

We got one shot to make it right, we're planning on this being our last year of development, but if it takes longer than that and people will still support us in making it better, we're only really answerable to our patrons, the people paying us money and allowing us to feed ourselves. No one else. So if we feel like we're not delivering something at the final quality our patrons expect? Then we have to fix it.

4) Standard development time for any game that is multiple hours of content runs at about 4-6 years give or take. We're shooting for releasing in our fourth year. Yes, we promised to release in 2 years. We were naive and fuckups. All I can say is that whatever our project after cloud meadow and the 2 DLC story chapters we got planned is, the next game is going to have a lot more preproduction put into it.

if this is what it takes to get a full reassuring and well thought out response from you guys...


your mom's a hoe.
No, but we've basically been avoiding this place ever since we first read the thread back when it first happened and there was literally nothing but vitriol and unconstructive criticism. It's gotten marginally better.

I've said nothing on this thread that hasn't been explained at length on our discord or on other forum communities at one time or another.

As I said before, it took blatant, outright, impossibly false misinformation to get me to finally cave and come to a thread where 4 in 5 posts are actively hostile to our team.

Also fuck you my mom is a saint. :ROFLMAO:

Patreon doesn't allow incest anymore due to "reasons"
And we have to be really careful about that because there are plenty of people on this thread alone who have effaced a desire to see us taken down, banned, etc. Given that fact, I hope it's obvious why it is so important to us that there is literally no possible excuse for this. That's why there's no rape, beastiality (Defined as sex between a sapient and nonsapient individual by the talks we had with patreon's staff when they passed the rules changes), incest, necrophilia/guro, or pedophilia depicted in our product, and will never be depicted in any of our products. Too many people got an axe to grind with S-Purple, and regardless of their intents we'd be idiots to not cover our asses and toe the line.

Also the reasons are really obvious to anyone with half a brain. Mastercard and Visa told them "You will ban this type of content or so help us god we're going to cancel any transactions with your bank accounts through our service because fuck you. You think you're going to drag us into a fucking RICO action waiting to happen? What? Porn isn't made by organized crime anymore? Fuck you and fuck your fairy stories."

Tbf, it is a legitimate concern. I know a few erodevs who have been asked to act as money launderers. "Yeah I'll put 1000 bucks into your patreon and you give me 900 in cash back man."

It was the threat of RICO charges when it turned out that there were human traffickers running some of the cam girl patreons that caused Patreon to blanket ban cam girls after that whole deal with the FBI probe. That's also what lead to them tightening the rules because the money handling companies like Visa and Mastercard and Paypal got spooked hard core. Patreon might not be the best thing, but they have gone out of their way to avoid notcing any minor issues, as long as people keep it off their public posts and front pages, thus insuring the credit card companies won't find out on a casual search.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
ok i read your post judge heath, i have a question why did your dev team reformat your whole game??

edit: to be more specific from v. 2.03.3approximately build version(2015) - v. 0.00.0(2016)

aren't these old builds were much stable than the new builds?
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  • Angry
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Judge Heath

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2019
ok i read your post judge heath, i have a question why did your dev team reformat your whole game??

edit: to be more specific from v. 2.03.3approximately build version(2015) - v. 0.00.0(2016)

aren't these old builds were much stable than the new builds?
ALPHA v2.03.3 was written for the alpha. It was Part 2, 3rd major update, 3rd iteration of the alpha. We didn't rewrite or reformat anything, everything just got transferred over and we had a new numbering system, starting with BETA v0.0.0.0. There were code changes, but it was just a change in the title scheming.

You claiming we 'reformatted it' is like saying that somebody 'totally overhauled their car' by changing out the registration sticker. Yes, the game basically got rewritten in many ways in the 2 years SINCE the swap from alpha to beta, but it sure as hell didn't get start over from scratch just because we went from alpha to beta. We changed things bit by bit from responses from our patrons. What are we supposed to do? Release an unfun game just because X amount of time has passed and ignored our patrons?

And hell no they're not more stable. Have you actually gone back and played some of those versions? They're a goddamn nightmare. yes, they were getting more stable than they had been until that point, which was why we decided to make the swap to Beta from Alpha. they also had significantly less, infinitely less polish, and less moving parts.
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Judge Heath

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2019
i can now say i told you so , there is always a reason and welcome on here
again, nothing we've not explained repeatedly on other platforms. Though no doubt this will end up being the place where it all gets put into one spot before I'm done.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
again, nothing we've not explained repeatedly on other platforms. Though no doubt this will end up being the place where it all gets put into one spot before I'm done.
Welcome to the forum. But for your fears with the community here i can give only one advice.

You will feel a disturbance in the force....... and the moment you do. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!


New Member
Apr 16, 2018
Hello judge cool to see a dev here, just wanted to ask a few questions

Why did you guys feel the need to do a combat system even though you were starting from scratch, you say you knew going in that you wanted to give people good wages (which is great it's nice to see a team that's, not top-heavy af) so why not settle for a higher quality game, but with a smaller scope.

finally, do you think given the income you would focus on getting a bigger team of programmers to speed up the debugging and combat systems development?

None of this is coming from a place of anger or someone who is jaded or pissed off about the game's development time. I wish you the best in working out the kinks left in the game.

Judge Heath

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2019
Welcome to the forum. But for your fears with the community here i can give only one advice.

You will feel a disturbance in the force....... and the moment you do. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!
duly noted.

Hello judge cool to see a dev here, just wanted to ask a few questions

Why did you guys feel the need to do a combat system even though you were starting from scratch, you say you knew going in that you wanted to give people good wages (which is great it's nice to see a team that's, not top-heavy af) so why not settle for a higher quality game, but with a smaller scope.

finally, do you think given the income you would focus on getting a bigger team of programmers to speed up the debugging and combat systems development?

None of this is coming from a place of anger or someone who is jaded or pissed off about the game's development time. I wish you the best in working out the kinks left in the game.
Because we thought we could deliver it all at one time. All of us were veterans of game design to one degree or another, but few of us had direct experience at top level, from the beginning to the end planning or realistic projections.

I'd also argue that the quality of our combat has gone way up recently and we're still in the process of tweaking it.

The combat wasn't ever what ate up most of our budget, it was the animation. Around 50% of our budget at any time is, in some way, devoted to art.

More programmers wouldn't help really, if we got them, it would have resulted in a loss of animation speed and quality more likely than anything else.

We can't pay people less than what they need to survive on while focusing ENTIRELY on our game, and nothing else. People who are concerned about survival will deprioritize anything that does not provide them with the means to survive. That's why paying people a high wage compared to the standards of indie erodev, in our minds, is critical. Games implode more often because someone critical was forced to leave just to put food on the table than because of any other reason after all.

Now, to bring it back around to scope. That's honestly on us. We got over ambitious as fuck, and we decided to commit to it and just muscle through and work steadily on improving quality as we went. It's a strategy that has worked so far. Our next game, whatever it is, is definitely going to be significantly more limited in scope with fewer moving parts though.

Again, remember how I said we realized we only had one shot at it? We figured, and still do figure, that there's only so much of the promised scope we can cut. It's the design spiral and all that. Sunk cost etc. The point being we're already close to the finish line and right now we're entering polish in a big way.

Game dev is ideally a 5 stage process.

1) You make the tools to make the game
2) You add in mechanics
3) You test mechanics until they function properly (this lasts the longest normally)
4) You put meat on the bones
5) You polish everything.

We've been in stage 3 for the longest time and we entirely skipped stage 1, which has prolonged stage 3 enormously.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
2) We pay our people an actual living wage. I took $15.00/hr to a cap of $2500 a month, USD of course, every month, but everyone else was paid $3000.00 USD a month at $18.00/hr. To be clear, that's 166 2/3rds hours per month, total, just a smidge over 40 hours a week. Most groups don't do that, they split things evenly between the team members, where as we went out of our way to avoid hiring anybody until we had the budget for it. That was why until our income stabilized over 18k USD a month, we had the first two mile stones set at $3000 for a programmer, and $6000 to hire an animator too. We were lucky to reach those in the first month because it meant spurple wasn't drawing too heavily on his savings from what he'd been paid from Breeding Season.

That's why.

Yes, it's a lot more money than other projects get, we don't underpay our people. We also started from way the hell lower down on the totem pole in terms of resources than most games do when they push to Patreon. Most games are like 'hey, let's have a real prototype and have done at least 6 months of figuring out what we want, and some grey boxing, and shit' which we didn't get to do.
Slower progress, but everything managed properly will be better in the long run.
It also shows a greater respect for the product you are trying to create so in my book that's a great thing.
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Judge Heath

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2019
Hello someone can help me with this bug ? please
View attachment 424008
error in our pallet swapper tool we're trying to root out. Sorry, it's a necessary part of getting to the point where you'll be able to swap the pallets of monsters through breeding and rare dyes. We add stuff in, try to fix the problems that crop up, which leads to new problems.
It's like the old song goes:
99 little bugs in the code,
99 little bugs.
Take one out, patch it about,
374 little bugs in the code!

Though in all fairness, we've actually gotten to the point where NORMALLY we have fewer and fewer bugs with each hotfix until we add in a new feature or get experimental with an existing one in trying to refine, improve, or optimize it.
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Jan 2, 2019
Bad news! It ll be in the same state after 2 years :ROFLMAO:
This turned out exactly the way breeding season did color me surprised. It'll be funny to see what scam they'll come up with next after this money well dries up in a couple years. Its awful that con artists can get away with this stuff so easily and ruin crowdfunding for everyone else.


Oct 8, 2017
I really hope you'll do just that. If this game makes it to a full release, it could be one of the best western H-games. Anyone can see that you do care about making something good.

However, are you honestly surprised that people are unsatisfied by your progress?
Now, I believe you that you actually care about the game and the slow progress is because you want to make it as good as you can, but I can see why people interpret it as a way to make more money with it.

It was your choice to use the same artstyle and a similar setting as breeding Season.
And that was, and probably will be for quite a while, the biggest disaster in H-Gaming, perhaps even patreon History.
You inherited quite a bit of that games fanbase, but by doing so, you inherited its legacy. People will scrutinize you more than other devs, because you had a headstart.

Anyway, I truly wish you'll keep going. I want to see this game finished, and become great.
1.90 star(s) 106 Votes