Okay in response to Heath and Kodex how much time is it going to take for create, implement, and test the remaining dungeons given the game is a year off from the release date?
It's not really necessary to tell us how S purple chooses to use his time working on the project. Well I guess the short of it is if the large amount of characters and their writing suffer it's due to S not listening which again sounds familiar to BS.
Sorry, then I was probably not making myself clear. It's not a case of Spurple not listening to us, we decide as a team when some things need more stuff done. We decided, as a team, that we'll benefit more from having all the characters with VN images, including generics, than we would from other things. Other things got cut to make room for this (For example we stopped giving each character their own little name plaque, and instead we're using a generic one, which saves a lot of time given how fiddly we had to be with them to make the name plaques legible while looking unique, they often took about half the time it took to make the actual character VN image because we had to go over them over and over again, we also shut down the $100.00 patron tier because we couldn't afford to keep that tier all things considered, and we generally had 4-5 people a month for that, even if most of them never submitted characters to us on the discord).
My point is that what Spurple does on his own, unpaid time, is his business. As a team, we set goals and decisions, and he executes them as his primary priority, but in his free time he unwinds by doing character art, in the same way I play videogames or roleplay with my friends, or read books. That leads to an idea that he's not focusing on the parts of the game that he 'should be focusing on', when his paid hours are absolutely focused on the things we want him to focus on, and a good deal of his unpaid hours.
But if he is putting in more than 40 hours a week, it's not really my place to tell -anyone- on the team, as the production manager, what they put that unpaid labor time into. I can tell them it won't be going into the final game because we lack the support structure, but I can't tell them not to spend their unpaid time however they like. After all, it's not been paid for.
Anyone asking Spurple to do things with his free time above and beyond the 166.666666 hours he gets paid to work a month from our budget would be like me asking Dieselbrain to keep working on HD animations above and beyond those same hours.
How is me telling Spurple "Hey don't do that thing you do to relax because it's game related and you could be doing other game related things that don't relax you but it's unpaid" any different from me say, telling Dieselbrain "Hey, don't go read books or watch netflix, do more animations for us in the hours we're not paying you."
I can't ask you, or anyone, to agree with that stance, but I hope you at least understand it.
You have stated, noted, or at least alluded that these features are finished and now you can add the so called "meat" so when is the depth coming?
When the core systems are completely bug free. Design Work for them is done. Art for them is done. All that's left is coding in many cases.
For the writing this still doesn't answer my question as to why it isn't more mature, i'm not asking for them to swear like sailors but you have to admit just reading the dialogue alone would make you think of standard rpg games with of course no porn. Also the use of accents is terrible in game, you need to design characters that LOOK like they would talk like that not just make them say it and hope people will figure it out.
We'll take this onboard and work on the accents a bit. As to the kind of dialogue, I dunno man. I kinda get where you're coming from but I also think we're walking a fine line between that retro jrpg story vibe and the pornogame vibe and are still trying to find that sweet spot you know? There's a reason why we've been trying to focus on the opening areas a lot.
So basically if the game gets delayed "oops sorry, but for real we're not milking the project" its easy for you to say since there's no accountability on you guys at all. The answer is simple just stop supporting the game we're not obligated to right? but BS had the same problem nothing was being done and it still got an absurd amount of cash where as cloud meadow slow progress just enough to show people you are working on the game.
I mean... you're not wrong. But there's nothing we can do about that except ask folks to take it on faith. There's a reason I don't delete people's criticisms about Breeding Season unless they get personal or are actively harming patron enjoyment on either our twitter, our patreon, or on other social media we control. That's as much of a show of good faith as we can actually do.
Finally how about a road map where the game is headed and when to expect major updates to the game such as story, combat, or new quests. At the very least this gives us proof if you guys keep missing due dates and this helps you keep on track what should be done and by when that way you can show everyone you have the end goal properly planned rather than that vague progress bar that gets filled in god knows when or at all if you can remember to update it.
I can see about us setting up some kind of roadmap trello that covers features and implementation... I'll definitely give this some thought and at the very least we'll float to the team the idea of making public the Early Access Checklist of remaining features we made last week to keep us on target for that.