To be honest, the ability to choose 1 free power at game start is so far falling flat.
1. many scenes are gated behind having a specific power
2. these powers can be acquired with trivial effort via training... but most training methods are not in the game yet. So you can only use cheating console or restart the game (to choose a different free power) to see most powers.
I think it would be better to pre-set the free starter power instead of letting the player choose it.
Then uses of each power should only be added with the ability to train it.
The end result when the game is finished is going to be the same.
But until the game is finished the method I suggested will be a lot more pleasant
Also maybe a "cheater start" where you start with all the starter powers instead of choosing one would be nice too.
Letting us see all scenes as they are added without requiring restart and replay of the game / console