With all the bitching I do on here I rarely give devs shit for making the game they want to make but one thing i've noticed with a lot of these adult game devs ...... they are shit at endings for their games.
There are some great devs i've seen who have made really good games with great endings that fit.....
Then there are devs like this.
It was never an amazing game but it did fill the guity pleasure spot. Most of the story was nonsense but I enjoyed all of the characters. The truly sad part to all this is even just having brief endings with a love interest a player picks would have been far, far better than the absolute steaming pile of camel shit this ending is.
It made everything that happened completely pointless and showed the dev either put no thought into it, gave zero fucks, had burn out/bored and just wanted to end it or all of the above.
You have the audacity to put this on Steam where people have to pay their hard earned money for this bollocks.
Shit, I got it for free and feel ripped off.
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