The sorority party happens on the second Thursday after classes, occupying the last two time slots of the ur cheat walkthrough it says on aug 15 to follow racheal then contract rio then sorority party but i see nothing about a party did i mis something i followed ur guide to the letter except for the impregnating parts as im not into that am i missing something or was there just a change that moved the party to different day???
To be invited, do one of the following:
-Become part of the coven before that day, and Barberry will ask you to go.
-Be on good terms with Brittany and know about her drug addiction. Go hunt for Titus before Thursday; you should be given the choice to give Brittany a call instead of wandering into the city.ñ by yourself (Need at least 10 Charisma to convince her). If sonw so, she'll invite you to the party on Thursday after dinner.
-On the second Tuesday, during Patel's classes, Brittany will be visited by Lexi. Choose to folow her and use a light on her. She will invite you to the party. (I don't know if this has a stat requirement).
-Be on good terms with Jill and use the brown light on her during the second Wednesday at Barberry's class. She will invite you to the part to help her deal with the sorority girls.