How do you get that much energy?
My updated guide will be a step by step guide for this, and will be finished either today or tomorrow. But for anyone who just wants a list of the energy boosts.
The obvious max energy boosts are at the gift shop. First on day 1 or 2, again on day 8, day 11-13 (during Titus hunt week), day 14 (Friday, during Titus hunt week, not the same as last visit) and lastly, day 15 after dinner you can go to the gift shop with Mrs. Wilson.
The first non-gift shop max energy boost is by training Monica with the red light after the Monica confrontation. Requires level 5 red spells. +5 max energy.
The next day, if you ignore Mr. Maywood/Dad's call and go see Monica you should see an option that says - "Have Monica service you" or something like that. Another +5 max energy.
Before the hunt for Zahra there's an option that says "Take a nap". This will recover 25 energy and give you +5 max energy.
On day 10 (Monday, Titus hunt week), you can go into town for dinner and meet Cassandra and pay her for some fun. Do so and get +10 max energy and possibly an energy boost as well.
Joining the coven and doing the training sessions with Barberry after her classes give you +5 max energy each tme.
Having Mrs. Wilson and Ms. Hill earn their keep will give you some max energy boosts.
The others are impossible to miss, one is after dinner on last Saturday, one is on morning of wedding etc.