The hate mail (and even death threats FFS!!!) makes the writers quit.
I didn't know it was that bad, honestly the first time i heard they got death threats, some people are really fucked up...
Is this game perfect? No. And neither is BaDIK (that also still have bugs). The main thing is they are doing their best. People forget that they are amateurs, not pros with education in game developing. Some people act like they are creating bugs or "ruining" characters on purpose. No, they want to make a good game!
Something like that. It's a beta release because people want to play as fast as possible and players are good at finding bugs. It's not ment to be a public release. They do work on bugfixing up until release. Sometimes they have rescheduled the release because there are some bugs that really need to be fixed first. A lot of people here act like they are getting a final release that is broken. And they release fixes very often on Patreon but very few of them get uploaded here.
True, neither is perfect and i think no one really expects them to be.
But season one was one of the most horrible bugfests i have seen so far. It wasn't even hard to find bugs, it were mostly plain obvious ones (often game breaking) and everyone which would have played it once would have seen them.
Add to that that nearly every single update had these bugs.
But it is much better in season 2, so i'm happy they listen to the feedback.
They map out the storylines but things change. Like the election was originally planned to end with Episode 2. And they add LIs depending on fan feedback. Nora and Lindsey, as examples, were never planned to be main LIs.
Yes, i meant more the main story, key scenes and story direction. That ther are changes or additional scenes with LI's is to be expected and i like that they made Nora an LI.
It just feels like they have no particular direction for the story, like the fight club which was basically non existent for most of the game, and other scenes like Penelopes VN project feel just like filler cause they had no other idea what to do.
I agree with the character changes, and that is the problem with switching writers. As an example, Lauren was my favorite LI but they completley changed her so you can barely recognise her. The reason was part that a writer really hated her and part that they listened to fans who found her boring. The problem with changing characters to appease fans who dislike those characters is that you alienate the players who liked those characters as they were.
Same with Emily who a writer also hated and really took that hate out on the character and made her insane.
I hope they will fix that now with the Episode 2 revamp and that they learned their lesson about NOT changing the characters' personalities. Undergrad Steve needs to keep control of the characters and tell the writers what to write, not give them full control. Like when they write TV-shows.
Yeah...Lauren was one of the characters i didn't like the changes, Lindsey after the election took also a nosedive for me and the new direction for Chloe just doesn't fit with how her character was shown so the entire time.
As for Emily...i think that would be difficult, or at least they would need change a lot of things. I don't have an idea where they are even plan to go with her since they made her leave.
One scene i hope they change would be Penelope, their first time feels just strange. They had the nice date and she is all about no sex yet and overall romantic, next day yeah let's do it in the dean's office...nothing against that, but it feels just not fitting at that time and how their date night ended.
A other character i liked was Riley before the europe trip and she falls in love with half of the LI's, but yeah not much hope for changes there.
But so far the overall writing of the latest writer, is the one which i like the least.