Honestly I think it's a little weird that you want a dramatic breakup sequence when you end the relationship. You don't care about the relationship enough to continue it, so why should they? Why do you want them to get upset over it, if you're not? I don't really get it.
Cause people are more upset when they accidentally break a cigarette, it's cringe for that great quality game

Never said I wanted some mega drama each time, some characters are just fuck-buddies, some even less, but some had crush for MC for years and confessed to him... but they all reacts like *ok, bye* or something like that... bruh, they do react more for spilled Coffee or some small casual mistakes made by mc...
Yeah yeah, I know it's lighthearted relaxing game and all, but... at least some characters might react a bit more emotional then some fuck-buddy for one week end.
Small issue anyway, I don't want you to overreacting for my opinion, I don't want to facepalm at some overprotecting fans, I'm still not even patron of yours, Just pointed what I think is not perfect IMO and tried to explain my point of view, so just whatever...