Round Two, FIGHT. This is a better version of the Suzy without Tammy route game files. This should one allow for the player to have more choices with Tammy and allows for them to have a save with the throuple and one with just Suzy, this includes Suzy's solo date and access to her bedroom. For the Suzy only route simply turn off Tammy's attraction and play the game. You'll still need to do scenes with Tammy like talk to her at the cafe and MMA training, but you can turn her down and never have to date her now. There shouldn't be a required romantic scene with Tammy other than her forced kiss during MMA. You can fallow the Hints and they'll be accurate minus some Tammy specific events. Tammy is pursuable though I didn't uncouple Suzy from her route. If you pursue both, you will end up in the same situation as before except you can solo date Suzy if you turn them down. Should you want all the throuple scenes pursue Tammy first. If a few people want me to uncouple Tammy from Suzy, I'll think about it. But as I don't like Tammy, I won't do it simply of my own accord. Again no writing was edited and no scenes added.