- Mar 5, 2019
- 887
- 1,800
I do a lot of proofreading so these things tend up jump out at meDespite using a speller checker they're prob still a lot of typo's left and right. Feel free to report those that annoy you enough
I wouldn't ask someone to play though it again just for that.
Without getting too picky (!) Here's a few I remember, that occurred in more than one place so might be worth fixing just to cut the numbers down a bit:
libary (library)
bateries (batteries)
recieved (received - e comes before i in some cases, this is one of them)
housewifes (housewives)
lucy (is a name, should always start with a capital - Lucy)
carefull (only one L in careful)
misuse of the word "lend" - you don't lend a book from the library, you borrow it from them, they lend it to you
assistent/assistence (assistant/assistance)
excelent (excellent)
Your welcome (You're welcome - short for you are)
A funny one: in the library, the elderly gent needs May's help on the PC, she's closing widows (windows!)