No need to shut up, Roman. I appreciate your insight.
I've gone back and read the last few pages to catch up with the discussion. So an another aspiring developer all I can really do is offer my own experience and motivations to the conversation.
For starters, I'm 100% heterosexual. I have no interest in watching guys bang and trans stuff doesn't turn me on. That said, I love watching two women go at it.

When our project first started my job was writing. I love to write and I take the craft of writing very seriously. I'm always looking for things that challenge me as a writer and help me grow.
So when it was first suggested we at a Transgender character to the game, I thought about it very seriously from a writer's perspective. Could I make a character that was sympathetic, multi-dimensional, and not just a token chick with a dick fuck toy? It was a gamble, but I thought if I can pull this off I'll really establish some credibility as a writer of erotic fiction. There was a lot of negative feedback at the first mention of this character's inclusion, but by that time I had established a bit of trust with my players (patrons and non-patrons) with the writing already in the game. Many decided to stay on board and just wait and see.
Launch day comes. The way it's set up, you can turn off trans content, the character is in the game, but the story flows a different way around her scenes and there is no sexual opportunities or even nudity presented by her. Completely avoidable. But even with Trans content turned on, players still have the option of interacting with her, helping her in her story arc, but still not have sex or even experience nudity unless they clearly choose to.
Many of my hetero-players (and even at least three of the serious dissenters) sent me messages afterward saying they tried her path out of curiosity because they wanted to see how the story was different, and everyone was very surprised and even satisfied with her character. Several of them chose to continuing playing with trans content turned on just because they preferred helping her character out to the alternative girl.
My take away from the experience was that I don't have to be into a fetish to write it well. But I do have to be motivated by something in order to pull it off. In my case it was the challenge that motivated me. I'm not saying every dev should take that approach. And a dev should only ever write what they are motivated and inspired to write, otherwise the audience can tell that there's no heart in it.
All that said,
Tlaero , I love showing support and love to other devs by becoming a patron of a good game. If I can scratch out some time to play in the near future, which one of your games would you suggest I try first?