
Nov 1, 2019
Ok. Ill bait. Nope. The MC's power level is slowly growing and still has room to grow.

1 - Michael, in toilet<in locker room< awakening murder
2 - Jason+Styx< Eda< Tessa+Matt 1st meet- 1st defeat/retreat
3 - Metal < Thugs_in_Slums (actually only here 1st clean win for MC, against humans, kek)< Legion at gas station (2 win)
4 - Az - 1 by 1 - defeat, Az vs team- defeat, quite humiliating defeat after defeat arc here. Saved by Deus ex rule B
5 - Expanding setting, melancholy, planning and talking, mostly, really. Combat scenes done by others
6 - Three- 3 win for MC, here, 1st clean win against Companion., One - 4 win, against A rank Companion.
7 - Expanding setting, combat scenes done by others.
8 - France under bridge win against 2 Comps, i assume 2 A ranks, or A+B.
9 - Swords A+A+S, 1 frag,

And here, at the moment, we can assume current MC rank is S, S+ at most. Still below Az from 1st chapter, definitely below current Zero, definitely will be challenge against better sword teams and bigger teams. Ghost and guardian in Asia probably will shake MCs ass too. MC has quite a suop of abilities and skills but still has room to grow in control it.

This is according to the pure Powerlevel. And then there are all sorts of hostage-brothers and helpless hot goth friends and political intrigues. I think the developer quite ready to release convincing 5+ more chapters.

Potential future worthy opponents:
Better sword slaves, teams of Comps, Unus_with supplements, Ghost, Zero, Guardian of Asia, and probably Emma depressed(as Az), manipulated or enslaved by sword. Also Claire or someone else might come to idea to reawake Tessah in human world, as we did with Arsael.

As for Claire and Gab and others

Who can stop Clair in order if they specifically invited her again, as is too much challenge just to handle only strike force groups? And why some one has to stop her here if there are results for Order? Realistically who can possibly and wanted to stop Claire? Only who sees full picture of her operations is Gab and us (as Player).

And Gab painfully naive and spoiled by Nael. It is only Nael allow Gab too keep his White knight cap and cape, and relatively clean hands. And also Gab was spoiled by Nael who constantly patched and solving, even HUMANITY DESTRUCTION - level, his bad decisions. That is why Gab is tended to bite more than he chew at the moment. And still trying to solve all alone. Gab has it flaws too.

Emma is still just naive schoolgirl hurdled in blood vortex way bigger than she even can imagine. It is too much for her notice anything as she confused by her feelings at first, and after that, literally physically stunned by Zero.

Clara is still sheltered and still live in her game world, she still cant imagine that mother can do something wrong.

They all only humans. Allow them to be. It is exactly this imperfection of each character makes story more realistic overall.
And yes, exactly these imperfections will be room to characters to grow.
No bait, thanks for the answer, even if we don't agree on all points there are others I agree with you, there are still many things that could happen in the story so we will see how everything goes.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 19, 2021
And here, at the moment, we can assume current MC rank is S, S+ at most. Still below Az from 1st chapter, definitely below current Zero, definitely will be challenge against better sword teams and bigger teams. Ghost and guardian in Asia probably will shake MCs ass too. MC has quite a suop of abilities and skills but still has room to grow in control it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
Nah bro, what, is the assumption that she will only meet a dark one while she's at work? What dark one would be close enough without her knowing that she wouldn't know they were there before anyone else got close enough to touch the necklace? It's a plothole dude. I'm honestly laughing at all the responses trying to argue it away.
no, the assumption is that she only NEEDS to interact and deal with companions and dark ones at work. she has no reason to do it at home. and it's literally life threatening for her and her daughter if she carries the artifact everywhere. companions and dark ones can pick up on the energy and come investigate.
also, she is quite (in)famous in the world of companions. having an artifact that allows enemies to track her everywhere she goes when off duty is stupid as hell.

The evidence is literally Claire saying that she never brought the accessory home. You can call that a bullshit excuse or not, but that's what it is; an excuse. Plot hole would be the game saying that she always brought the jewelry home but somehow never caught neither Liam or Clara with their Dark Ones.

I'm not a fanboy who is unable to accept that one of my favorite games has its flaws. In fact, this games has a few moments that I would call plot holes.

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No one here is trying to gaslight you. There is a difference between plot holes and plot conveniences, and Claire is most certainly the latter's case.
I don't think the stuff with Tessah is a plot hole, because she only states a possibility. the bond doesn't prevent dark ones to fight each other, it's just that they, themselves, have no reason to do it for a human that will last a tiny amount of time while the grudge could stay forever. the fact that Noel actively suggested it and did it from her own free will just for MC was said to be rulebreaking, but i thought it was more of a tacit rule among them than a real rule from the bond. Arsael also attacked Noel in the very first scene to get the story started, even if we could argue that she was no longer linked to her human thus losing the influence of the bond, but she should still be under the pact which is the real "spell" that was casted. in France, the girl that attacked Noel tried to order her dark one to attack Noel to save her life, so it is a possibility.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
It's based on your brotherhood points. So if you were on Blake's path but didn't more or less consistently side with the brotherhood then you'd lose her path. Just for reference the fail point is less than 40 Brotherhood points and my save had 81 at the time of the check on the stop the assault path and 71 on the take control of the bunker path. The choice with Blake right before the check gives +15 brotherhood for "Blake I don't know what to tell you" and -15 brotherhood for "You have no choice but to trust me." So if you've got enough brotherhood points then you'll stay on her path with either one of the bunker paths with either choice made. There was a lot of leeway on that check.
thank you v much for the detailed reply! 40 pts to fail when in general we'll have close to double is a lot. Who would fail her path other than deliberately doing that, lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
Mommysbuttslut i don't use mods when i play AVNs but i have 1 thing im curious. do you know what stat or parameter changes if we let the MC let Blake did her thing? What's the stat difference between intervening and not intervening?


waiter for zone
Jan 14, 2024
Claire, what are you doing, Claire? I think we're gonna be facing Claire in a future episode. Clara, my sweet cupcake, you're the one I feel most sorry for.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Started this game couple of days ago & finally all caught up.

And I like this game. I like it a lot.
I feel that there are rich characterization with several of its characters & the way the world building is done I think is done really well that it kept me very much engaged.

Also, kudos to the dev for not falling into the trap of some other titles with fantasy premise, but ends up being slice of life.
For instance, a game starts of its first & second releases with fantasy setting but then throws the MC in a "going to school" environment becoming a boring (when I say this, I don't mean offense to those folks who like this genre, as the saying goes, different strokes for different folks) slice of life, just going to school, going on dates and come on cycle games.

Thankfully, the dev decided to throw the deep end from early on, literally uprooting his school life and putting him in constant situations where he's forced into conflicts.
Which is my kind of jam.

As for the characters, I think my favorite LI is Noel.
Not like any of the LIs of MC are bad, but Noel just has the most richest character development (as well as history with MC out of all LIs), and her relationship with MC & her sister Nael is endearing.
Though I guess in terms of non LI character, I'd say my favorite is Gabriel. His banter and how he cares for MC (his little bro) I found liking quite a bit.
Though, as of this latest update, I'm fearing for his survival tbh given he's just a normal human now....

As for least liked character?
Surprisingly it's not Albere (even though he's one of the villains).
That spot definitely goes to Claire Hilfar, aka Ironhilfar, Clara's mom.

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With the MC, with his status as the new Rule breaker, it does make me wonder whether he will take in more dark ones (given the traditional 1 dark one per companion doesn't apply to him.
Though given him currently having 2 Primordials (Noel, Amy) & a third dark one who is highly skilled in perception, getting another Dark One to bond with him may just make him too OP (actually, if Amy's child turns out to be a girl, that's also another dark one who will be a primordial, so... yeah lol)

Only thing that I'd point out is that there were a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes which I noticed in my playthrough.
But good to see that there are proofreader who are working on correcting them.

Anyway, I enjoyed this, and I'll continue following this game with the future updates.


Mar 15, 2020
I picked "Help High order" in first place, and after checking other variant, still picked this way, and im still rooting for Brotherhood. I think 71 score will be enough points to keep good side.

Sure "Defend Brotherhood" is brave and glorious pick on the surface, but "helping High order" is not setting MC against anyone. It is more peaceful solution at the moment, in my view. In addition to confirming the above-mentioned participation of Ren. Brotherhood in bunker, and Blake, at first, still gonna blame (you) for this assault, whatever you chose. And rash pick honorable "defending Brotherhood", on the other hand, definitely will set MC in conflict with Order. It will not go well in future, if we really want peace between them, as Blake asked us. Also it reveals to that shady Operative that we are actually hostile target now. And also we are exposing Emma for further manipulations. And her family. Cornered rats is dangerous, and there are many.

So my pick, just for peace, for this time, is High Order. Also, down deeper in corridors, MC mentioned his actually calm calculations and readiness to stab in back anyone, if it suits his interests. So im ready to play cloak and dagger and shiet, if dev allows me. Im not longing for shiny knight garment.

Im glad that dev give us this pick, lets see how it follows in future. So far there was no choice such weight.


Sep 2, 2021
I'm gonna be the devil attorney here.
I don't gonna excuse Claire behavior, but was Albere and AZ who started the war.
Albert give to the legion the high order places for being attacked, and Metal dies in one raid, Claire was safe because the legion leader found Gabriel on the path and Nael Killed him.

When Az kill the Brotherhood general, was implicit a declaration of war, and Blake told us at the convention, and she was feared cause the second primordial at the HO.

So Claire been at war with the Legion and the Brotherhood recruit Emma and now has to fight them with any resource at his hand.

And you can say that is immoral.... wars start with good intentions and end showing the darkest side of the mankind. May be you can argue about that Claire become so "maniac" at first day instead a bigger development but is in a way to explain things.

It's like when you read diaries of people who fought the WW or WWII at the beginning they were really concerned about the death bodys of people near them, 5 or 6 month later when people dies near them, they didn't get worried because is something normal.

I hope I explained well my ideas, English is my 3 language
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Active Member
May 26, 2019
MC's recovering power is so powerful that even his clothes can recover into original form from dust, first time to see a character can make his power on their clothes too.:ROFLMAO:
The password said by blake is quoted from fallout new vegas veronica! Even the music in the bunker is actually the Hoover Dam's background music!:cool:
Alyssa remind me that re:rudy is almost like abandoned for a year, still don't see the future of that game...:cautious:
Sooner or later we will deal with claire, hope it will not be too bad at that time...:confused:
So now dark one can be pregnant, when will we get the pregnancy content of noel or nael?:p
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
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because Gab was dumb enough to not tell her he went in her place, so there is no consequence for her... knowing someone close had to be sacrificed could make her pause, especially when it's someone that Clara loves like a big brother.

Heck, Albere is evil no doubt, but comparing him to Clara?
He is a far lesser evil than Clara when comparing the two.
you mean Claire, right ?

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Gab can't die. Nael destroys the universe if he dies.

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no, MC has the seventh and the fifth primordials. even if he manages to combine the power of the three in himself (which he can't do yet) he is not powerful enough to go against the current Arsael, Dia and Tessah. especially if their companions get Ren's swords. He will need Tessah at least.
he could even try to get Gab's short sword that is imbued with Nael's power.

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No, the player only finds out the details if you pick the high order. like the MC.
and MC and the player are separate entities. sure, you can make decision based on what you know for the MC, but it doesn't change the fact that MC finding out late could have consequences later. he will be unprepared.
if you argue that branches are unified later anyway, then you essentially say that no decision matter too. so whether you chose the brotherhood or the high order doesn't matter, as it all comes together in the end.
this game does unify branches quite often but there are still branches that have not been unified/resolved for quite some time, and not just LI related.

additionally, that choice isn't about picking a side to ally with at all. it's just selecting the method to stock the attack.
I can argue that "siding" with the brotherhood actually hurts them more. because MC argues with the team that he meets, then he has to follow them all the way back to their commander without being able to use superspeed, then "negotiate" with that commander, until he gives the final order, by that time there are tons of brotherhood members that were killed, and the high order soldiers still hold a big grudge against the brotherhood afterwards... while choosing to help the high order, you take the lead immediately, you investigate and find the sword quickly, and the explanation is sent back over comms to all the soldiers. so the grudge is lessened if not erased.

my MC is still overwhelmingly in strong support of the brotherhood and is quite likely going to be joining them on his return to the US.
if you check the code, your "overwhelmingly strong support" brotherhood points is the only variable that is not saved for chapter 10. I'm guessing the brotherhood won't matter at all, either they will be destroyed, or absorbed, by the high order. :D or MC becomes the defacto general, without even needed to have many points, maybe only Blake support is more than enough.
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