
Forum Fanatic
Feb 19, 2021
Noel being feral is not a catastrophe though. she just loses herself (she didn't thanks to her previous connection to MC), and wander around killing people. only primordials and their companions stand a chance against her in feral state. and if she gets defeated and drained of her energy, she is only too weak to appear for a few years which is nothing to a dark one. Nael is just overprotective of her sister, because even if Noel disappeared, she could just summon her and bring her back like she did for Tessah for the primordial meeting. Which makes me wonder why she didn't summon feral Noel to restore her. does the summon require conscious consent from the summoned ?
The catastrophe wasn't Noel being feral, but that in her feral state she could've walked herself straight into the ocean trying to get back to America where no one could've found her. Nael would've been the only one who could've reasonably tracked and followed her from there but she couldn't even come back to Earth. So unless MC got to her, or another companion and dark one somehow took her out she was pretty well gonna be fucked.
I suspect that if she was capable of summoning the fully feral Noel then she would have instead of taking a big gamble on the deal with the MC. Probably is a call and receive thing and not just a forceable summon. Just what sane dark one would refuse Nael's summon under any normal circumstance.
You make a really good point about Noel not being cured from her feral state the normal ways. Thanks !
I didn't think about it at all. she was restored the same way Eda was. though she didn't get the "pardon" part, but it might not be an actual requirement for the Pact. so yes, I think you're right, Noel should be able to harm humans now and directly join MC in his fights against companions. He could stand a chance against Zero with her then. Though she could already attack their dark ones for MC like she already did before.
Ya but Noel is also one of the weakest of the primordials, only ahead of Amy and probably Ren for combat strength. Going by Zero's strength and the fact that he's been taking out companions left and right in Canada to absord their dark ones I suspect her attacking Dea would be a big mistake. For that matter attacking Zero could be too for the same reason but it'd make a great ace in the hole for that fight. If MC's in a bad spot and Zero drops his guard, or if MC makes a sizable opening on Zero then Noel could potentially end it in an instant.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
The catastrophe wasn't Noel being feral, but that in her feral state she could've walked herself straight into the ocean trying to get back to America where no one could've found her. Nael would've been the only one who could've reasonably tracked and followed her from there but she couldn't even come back to Earth. So unless MC got to her, or another companion and dark one somehow took her out she was pretty well gonna be fucked.
I suspect that if she was capable of summoning the fully feral Noel then she would have instead of taking a big gamble on the deal with the MC. Probably is a call and receive thing and not just a forceable summon. Just what sane dark one would refuse Nael's summon under any normal circumstance.
I meant her being feral and lost is not nearly as bad a catastrophe as Gab dying from Nael POV.
even if Noel walked into the ocean, then she would have just emerged later on the opposite coast in a straight line, unless MC constantly moves between US and EU :D
Nael can't track Noel, that's why Sam had to tell her where Noel was, and that's why Nael needed MC, someone as motivated as her in finding her sister even if they have no clue.
When it becomes a known fact that Nael cannot go back to Earth and can't affect it directly, maybe some dark ones will begin to refuse her summons :D

Ya but Noel is also one of the weakest of the primordials, only ahead of Amy and probably Ren for combat strength. Going by Zero's strength and the fact that he's been taking out companions left and right in Canada to absord their dark ones I suspect her attacking Dea would be a big mistake. For that matter attacking Zero could be too for the same reason but it'd make a great ace in the hole for that fight. If MC's in a bad spot and Zero drops his guard, or if MC makes a sizable opening on Zero then Noel could potentially end it in an instant.
Noel is weaker, but not that weak. she lacks peak power and big burst damage. but she makes up for it in versatility, creativity and flexibility. Arsael is above Noel in power, but it's just because she is specialized in a single thing, in everything else she is weaker and worse than Noel. Arsel is basically Megumin :D EXPLOOOOOOSION! and nothing else. We don't know if Dia is a bit like Arsael, too specialized, and too focused to get power just to pass Tessah's ranking. she could have glaring issues and weaknesses because of her obsession. And power does not decide a fight. for example Amy is much weaker than the others, but they might not be able to kill her. if Amy can't lose, then Noel can just chip on the enemy bit by bit until they are defeated. MC could also combine the power of Amy and Cia into Noel to get a significant boost in damage.

it was said that no human can go against a dark one 1v1, Gab with Nael might be an exception as he soloed Arsael, but Zero was not. Noel might be able to take on Zero alone. but given her powers, MC could just tank Zero with Amy's regen, and Noel can just use pyrokinesis and telekinesis from a distance. Zero wouldn't be able to catch her. and even if he did, Amy would just regen her back. the ace up Zero's sleeve would be he can damage the soul, so maybe his damage would affect all 4 of them at the same time making Amy work 4 times as much and waste tons of energy.
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Mar 15, 2020
Guys. A little penny about current MC.

Gab's armor set, enchanted by Nael.
Ren's sword, reforged by Noel, which can harm Darkones tru Companion (Actually would be interesting how Ren react. And what effect it will be after reforging. Ren is giving her swords only to women, and was never bound to man, as far as we know.)
Amy's healing, obviously Primordial level, enabling her Companion capability to sustain enraged feral primordial one shot.
Ciarara's boost to perception and learning combat skills, right in action.
Eda's training, and our own experience against OP opponents.
Noel's full skillset, including ranged abilities, telekinesis, levitation and enhancement.
Also, it would not surprised me, if we can reactivate Nael's web of traps in Frankwood, and arrange fight there again. Or, even better, learn to set up more.

Sure, MC will not turn Sun off, but i think still capable to show thing or two to Zero. Much more than inexperienced Emma. I remind you, that she never had to actually learn to fight. Since she get op power boost right after awakening and just do slapping around explosions by bare hand. It was enough for her. Until she met Zero. And Zero noted it in their encounter.

It hadn't even occurred to her to meet him in the open field. Where there are fewer supports for jumps. Or, at least, gain altitude in battle. No, she hadn't figured it out even after losing her arm. She continued to slapping around from the spot, with pure force. without a drop of thought. Everything you need to know about her fighting strength. Pure power, nothing else. Thou i do like her as character.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
Guys. A little penny about current MC.

Gab's armor set, enchanted by Nael.
Ren's sword, reforged by Noel, which can harm Darkones tru Companion (Actually would be interesting how Ren react. And what effect it will be after reforging. Ren is giving her swords only to women, and was never bound to man, as far as we know.)
Amy's healing, obviously Primordial level, enabling her Companion capability to sustain enraged feral primordial one shot.
Ciarara's boost to perception and learning combat skills, right in action.
Eda's training, and our own experience against OP opponents.
Noel's full skillset, including ranged abilities, telekinesis, levitation and enhancement.
Also, it would not surprised me, if we can reactivate Nael's web of traps in Frankwood, and arrange fight there again. Or, even better, learn to set up more.

Sure, MC will not turn Sun off, but i think still capable to show thing or two to Zero. Much more than inexperienced Emma. I remind you, that she never had to actually learn to fight. Since she get op power boost right after awakening and just do slapping around explosions by bare hand. It was enough for her. Until she met Zero. And Zero noted it in their encounter.

It hadn't even occurred to her to meet him in the open field. Where there are fewer supports for jumps. Or, at least, gain altitude in battle. No, she hadn't figured it out even after losing her arm. She continued to slapping around from the spot, with pure force. without a drop of thought. Everything you need to know about her fighting strength. Pure power, nothing else. Thou i do like her as character.

And an important detail, MC still hasn't learned to master Cia's power. if he did, he could read the thoughts of his opponent, and Cia said even space and time wouldn't escape his gaze. and Zero's abilities seem to all be related to time... :D

Pure power should usually be enough. We saw that with Az. and Emma was only supposed to be a deterrent at first. and all companions and dark ones except for primordials pretty much have no chance against that. but the main issue is Arsael being so specialized that skilled enemies can make her power irrelevant, she's a literal one trick poney. :D and Emma being unskilled and inexperienced makes it even worse.
Amy and Cia are also one trick poneys, but MC is actually skilled and experienced, he compensates for them.:)


Sep 2, 2021
I'm patiently waiting for the Mac version of Chapter 9....
You can....
just download the renpy dmg like from there:

and just put the files in a folder then open your Mac console and write:

xattr -d *

Once you do that you can put any renpy game from windows inside your renpy folder, execute renpy there will be a list of games in the renpy folder choose the one that you want to play and "ta-daaaaa" you can just play any renpy game from your Mac , as I do


Mar 11, 2018
Damn I didn't expect it'll turn out to be this good in terms of the plot, gotta make some room on the patreon list - great job dev!
A question though, since probably it was asked in the past - did dev ever said how many chapters are planned?


Jan 29, 2019
I'm patiently waiting for the Mac version of Chapter 9....
You have a link in the OP to where you can find the MAC version. It propose you to pay, but only if you want. Can download it for free.


Aug 22, 2018
Fear not, you'll have your reunion and plenty of sweet/sexy times before the end of current content, just keep going, you're not too far off.
Considering I'm still so early in the game, I was afraid I'd only get like one update worth of the partners back together.
Thanks for the response!


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Guys, quick question:

someone could tell me from which games are the guests of the cameos in chapter 4? i recognized only two VNs, but the others are a total mistery for me.

Thanks in advance for the eventual answer.

Ancient Devil

Dec 20, 2023
I just completed Ch.9 and I gotta say that this game has some really good writing. Can someone tell me how frequent are the updates, and if the next update is going to be the last one, because generally updates with [1.0] are the final ones.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 19, 2021
I just completed Ch.9 and I gotta say that this game has some really good writing. Can someone tell me how frequent are the updates, and if the next update is going to be the last one, because generally updates with [1.0] are the final ones.
9 large updates and one decently sized chapter rework in about 18 months. Berkili is one of the best in terms of consistency and speed.
This is chapter 9, not 0.9. Even if it was 0.9 the version that follows 0.9 on that format is 0.10. The period isn't a decimal, 0.1 and 0.10 are two very different things when dealing with version numbers. There's no way the entire story's getting wrapped up in one more chapter. Too many loose threads, to much character development still needed across much of the cast, too many active plots open.
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