- Feb 19, 2021
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The catastrophe wasn't Noel being feral, but that in her feral state she could've walked herself straight into the ocean trying to get back to America where no one could've found her. Nael would've been the only one who could've reasonably tracked and followed her from there but she couldn't even come back to Earth. So unless MC got to her, or another companion and dark one somehow took her out she was pretty well gonna be fucked.Noel being feral is not a catastrophe though. she just loses herself (she didn't thanks to her previous connection to MC), and wander around killing people. only primordials and their companions stand a chance against her in feral state. and if she gets defeated and drained of her energy, she is only too weak to appear for a few years which is nothing to a dark one. Nael is just overprotective of her sister, because even if Noel disappeared, she could just summon her and bring her back like she did for Tessah for the primordial meeting. Which makes me wonder why she didn't summon feral Noel to restore her. does the summon require conscious consent from the summoned ?
I suspect that if she was capable of summoning the fully feral Noel then she would have instead of taking a big gamble on the deal with the MC. Probably is a call and receive thing and not just a forceable summon. Just what sane dark one would refuse Nael's summon under any normal circumstance.
Ya but Noel is also one of the weakest of the primordials, only ahead of Amy and probably Ren for combat strength. Going by Zero's strength and the fact that he's been taking out companions left and right in Canada to absord their dark ones I suspect her attacking Dea would be a big mistake. For that matter attacking Zero could be too for the same reason but it'd make a great ace in the hole for that fight. If MC's in a bad spot and Zero drops his guard, or if MC makes a sizable opening on Zero then Noel could potentially end it in an instant.You make a really good point about Noel not being cured from her feral state the normal ways. Thanks !
I didn't think about it at all. she was restored the same way Eda was. though she didn't get the "pardon" part, but it might not be an actual requirement for the Pact. so yes, I think you're right, Noel should be able to harm humans now and directly join MC in his fights against companions. He could stand a chance against Zero with her then. Though she could already attack their dark ones for MC like she already did before.