We're all adults here, or suppose to be. So let's be civil and adults. We've the right to express our desires, our likes or dislikes, expectations or stuffs we don't want to see... and to agree to disagree too!
As long as we do so in an adult and civil way, that is.
This finger pointing, "he's a bad person, this game is s**t", is childish.
You don't like a game, feel free to say it in a polite and constructive way, and do not play it anymore, as simple as that.
And do not lost sight of all the work and effort these guys and girls put in creating games, which we are allowed to experience for free!
And as long as someone is not shaming NTS i don't think we should tell them to get away for this thread...
Now, as NTS goes, I like it better when there's:
1. A story. A lot games does not have that.
2. It's about a couple, not 2D caricatures.
3. There's games, foreplay, and fantasies.
4. Not based on tropes.
5. It's adult, and not childish in the way they behave. And most (or sso i think) hates and fears people have untoward NTR and NTS comes from being childish and insecure.
This being said, humiliation, race-play, size-play or whatever else could be fun, if fun they are written to be.
By which i mean, that if it's a game within a game for the couple, then it could be fun IF well thought and well written.
I really dislike games that confuse incest with NTR or NTS, like watching one's mother f***ing.
Also don't like game where the wife or GF has sex with a dude whom should be either kicked in the balls or sent to jail for his behaviour.
Or the: "oh! looky here is a disgusting man let's my GF be sullied by him!"
And I don't care that much for the alas, too many games, where the MC is a pathetic excuse of a man, then if the game is well written i might play it if i can play as the female and could get rid of the dude.
But' that a personal taste and opinion.
I also don't care for the numerous games in which 2 second after the game began the man says he wants her to do it with someone else, and they immediately do it. No couple and team building, no discussion, no foreplay, preparation, safe-word, totally unrealistic to my eye!
This being said, enjoy your kinky life!