Support the dev that do it or plan doing it, talk to them to show you exist and that the haters aren't everyone. It's especially important to talk and post comments if a dev starts being attacked for adding stuff that a very vocal group dislikes.
Just doing that, will already have quite an effect.
Btw, TK 8000 the guy that did Solvalley School will start another game with better graphics soon, and he will do a poll soon to know what his patrons think about the sharing content. To decide if it's worth adding it to the next game.
Really, I think the best thing to do is to show it's a good idea when it's already planned.
As for lobbying for sharing to be included in games in which it wasn't planned, it's probably a bad idea as it's not that widespread of a kink (to be accurate, my theory is that a lot of people like seeing girls messing with several men, that's why pornhub is the way it is, or even why female protag games are doing fine, BUT, it's countered by the fact that a lot of people don't like it with a male protagonist since they self-insert a lot and it kills their boner, or at the very least it gives them conflicting feelings).
Concentrating our efforts on what can be defended successfully, seems a better strategy to me.