Thanks for trying the VN. I've gotten a lot of criticism, much of it centered around either how bleak Alex's life is or how one-dimensionally the "villains" are written. Please keep in mind that there have only been three chapters released of a ten-chapter story so far. It may have been a mistake on my part, but I wrote the story this way. There is an arc, and we're still on the upward trajectory (or downward, depending on how you look at it).
Yes, it's drama, and yes, it's not everyone's cup of tea. Especially here, where 80% of players seem only to be interested in how quickly they can get to a scene they can fap to, story be damned. (Oh, and if it's not
exactly the fetishes they're into, they feel obligated to announce to the world how much they hate it.) But I hope you'll stick with it. Alex will eventually figure things out, and when she does...