She is lost case, just stop hoping that she will redim herself. She is fare way gone.
Well look at where Elli comes from her dad was a pedophile (or so story implies with recalling special daddy daughter stuff), and she was masturbating in shower when Alex walks in and gets a hardon (embarrassment into anger). Her mom put a stop to the daddy special play time with her, and made her resent mom. This leads to anger, and blame at everyone for taking her special time with Dad away. Alex had to go through counseling, doctors, and series of medications (which if one could guess might have some side effects). Mom was mainly there for sessions, and Dad was running away from family after getting caught with Ellie. I would guess since he couldn't have Ellie to play with he went after any young girl while he was hiding away from home to not get caught. Ellie as I said in previous post need a stint in a psych ward for long time, and then spend some time in a prison for accessory to sexual assault (or everyone involved will try to say she put them up to it). Brad might go into witness protection making deal for ratting others involved out, and end up getting paid back by the guy from his flash back (bit of revenge for running and leaving him to be beaten). Up to developer how it all plays out. 1. will this finally nail Kevin and his dad along with Ellie and Brad? 2. will Alex finally break and take the dark path of revenge? 3. will Alex fracture so bad that she goes on a murder suicide bender against Brad, Ellie, and Kevin? 4. Will the three somehow skate out of what they did and cause Alex to spiral more into madness and end up in Psych ward herself on suicide watch? 5. will Ellie see how her dad really is and realize just how screwed up in head she is, and run before arrest? Sorry played it up to cliffhanger so bouncing Ideas off you all. It is of course only the developer who really knows what Darkness or Light for any of them will be.. I would also like to apologize for long rant or so it looks to me LOL